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Medici Reviews

  • Sigurd 2022-09-12 22:20:31

    Then look suddenly a little disgusted Cosimo

    Because of the epidemic, the school has given everyone a week to arrange to stay at home and do not want to do anything

    In 2016, when I traveled in Florence, almost every museum related to this family. Before traveling, I knew that this family should know about the comprehensive ability of the...

  • Matilda 2022-09-12 21:20:03

    The Renaissance Game of Power: The Rise and Fall of the Medici Family in Three Hundred Years

    The emerald family, the Medici family, had great power and influence in Europe from the 13th century to the 18th century. In the early 15th century, it began to grasp the actual ruling power of Florence, and in the early 18th century, it disintegrated due to extinction. During these three hundred...

  • Leif 2022-09-12 17:50:25

    noble woman

    Whenever we talk about heroes and great men, we can easily think of revolutionaries and insurgents, and of cannon-firing wars and shocking bloodshed.

    If revolution is a visible transformation, an unbreakable pursuit of justice, then revival is a silent mist rising from the low bushes of the soul,...

  • Assunta 2022-09-12 16:40:34

    Beautify history, but still worth a visit

    The logic of tampering and casting are impeccable. Cosimo, who was dissatisfied with Madden, did not enter the state in the first half of the first episode. He felt that his aura was not enough, and he was not as good as Lorenzo. In the end, he came for Dustin Hoffman, and went completely for...

  • Elody 2022-09-12 16:38:06

    'She finally got him': The complete dissection of Cosimo and Contessina's relationship

    Medici has the usual sophistication of British dramas and the grandeur of historical dramas. Among the three clues, one is the struggle between the Medici family and the old nobles (Albizzi/Pazzi), the second is Cosmo's passion for art, and the third is the relationship with his wife Contessina....