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Marriage Story Reviews

  • Letitia 2022-04-19 09:01:27

    A masterpiece of quality is not a great masterpiece

    This film review was shortlisted for the preliminary round of the 4th Shenjiao Chinese Film Critic Competition "Tianhuatian Film Critics Award" and "Houlang Film Academy Award". If you need to reprint, please indicate the source and contact the author himself.

    There are many movies with marriage as...

  • Karl 2022-04-19 09:01:27

    I'm not here to come to the mediation live slow-motion plus law show

    At the moment, the chances of me changing my score are slim to none. I even want to give this movie 1 star. At the moment, the chances of me changing my score are slim to none. The actor is a good actor, and the emotions are in place. All online. But whoever wrote the book, you can't write better,...

  • Dock 2022-04-19 09:01:27

    It's a "Crash"-style ideological movie

    Because many people who have watched the movie before can't understand the movie Crash, I will write a movie review specially. It contains a lot of spoilers. I hope you know.

    At the beginning of the film, the male and female protagonists talk to each other about their views on their spouses, and...

  • Megane 2022-04-19 09:01:27

    Favorite, tear it up, the most ruthless.

    Freudey believes that "attack" is one of the instincts of human self-defense, which brings not only destruction, but also a release of enormous energy. And the "language attack" of swearing is more like an invisible dagger, which can also hurt people. Therefore, in terms of morality and etiquette,...

  • Kamryn 2022-03-22 09:01:21

    "Marriage Story" The Mirror of Human Relationships

    There are no fancy memories, reverse sequences, reversals, etc., it is a positive sequence that is steadily advancing. You know which direction it will develop, but you don't know what will happen and how it will end. How can couples who love each other get married and have children come to the...

  • Damion 2022-03-22 09:01:21

    Temporary fear of marriage

    I feel like I am afraid of marriage.

    I think marriage is about tea, rice, oil and salt, an extremely trivial and mediocre state of life. And I don't want to be like most people. I think this is the reason why I fear marriage the most.

    Sometimes I can't feel the passage of time, there is an illusion...

  • Angel 2022-03-22 09:01:21

    Born as a human, I want to get married? I'm very sorry

    Writing about a relationship is far more beautiful than confronting it.

    I recently watched this year's Oscar-nominated film "Marriage Story". The rhythm of the whole film is similar to the look and feel of most European literary and artistic dramas. Or the confrontation in the courtroom and the...

  • Dusty 2022-03-21 09:01:23

    "Marriage is hell, wife is a piranha"

    The few movies I've watched recently are good for persuading me to quit marriage, because the intimacy of marriage is really terrifying.

    In "Marriage Story", the man wants excitement, love, and the woman wants to develop a career and chase her dreams. But in this marriage the male dominated, so he...

  • Ernest 2022-03-21 09:01:23

    a few impressions

    1. As Laura Dern said in the play, the prototype of men is the Father, so silence and absence are taken for granted; the prototype of women is the Virgin, so they are required to be the perfect mother. This is of course wrong. Women should not be covered by the light of men, and should have the...

  • Jamil 2022-03-21 09:01:23

    It's a marriage story, not a love story

    Aiming to become a big Hollywood player, Netflix made a powerful two-hit combo at the end of the year: "The Irishman" launched at the end of November, and "Marriage Story" launched in early December. Phenomenal discussion. This may be something that only Netflix can achieve. If these two films are...