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Marriage Story Reviews

  • Chris 2022-04-22 07:01:04

    a little afterthought

    In a marriage relationship, once divorce becomes a reality, both parties begin to become selfish, mean, and say unbearable words to poke at each other's pain points.

    During the divorce process, both parties hired a lawyer and intercepted a dialogue between the heroine and the lawyer.

  • Peggie 2022-04-22 07:01:04

    A love story about divorce

    This is a love story about divorce.

    The film is based on the personal experiences of director Noah Baumbach and his ex-wife. It is said that when the film premiered inside the Netflix headquarters, the creative team invited their exes to watch the movie together, and the entire audience at the end...

  • Godfrey 2022-04-22 07:01:04

    The first long review

    The number of words in the short comment is not enough to write, the first long comment, please remember it.

    It starts with a heart-wrenching moment and ends with a sad nostalgia. The movie is almost the setting of a suspense film, with a seemingly beautiful marriage and love at the beginning, who...

  • Maximo 2022-04-22 07:01:04

    "Marriage Story", what defeats marriage is not necessarily love

    This article was published on the public account: Before and after the movie, everyone is welcome to pay attention.

    In a marriage, two people will be together because of love, but what separates them is not necessarily the disappearance of love. This movie is about such a couple, Charlie and Nicole,...

  • Derrick 2022-04-21 09:01:26

    First of all you have to know that it is not a persuasion film

    First of all you have to know that it is not a persuasion film

    1. After watching the one-sided part of fear of marriage, I think you can watch it several times.

    Contrary to the fear of marriage, what Charlie and Nichole showed me was intense love, courage in the face of conflict, mutual help in...

  • Demarcus 2022-04-21 09:01:26

    Have you ever thought that one day, you will not be able to go back to your own home

    I have always said that my husband is good, and I have been trying to cooperate with my future husband to achieve my husband's ideal.

    Expectations have been unfulfilled, expectations have been submerged

  • Jacinthe 2022-04-21 09:01:26

    marriage story

    "Marriage Story" is actually a divorce story.

    At the beginning of the film, it is a warm and beautiful day-to-day life. Tender, romantic, and sincere, What I Love about Charlie/Nicole.

    As soon as the camera turned, these memories were originally part of marriage mediation. How did those former loves...

  • Hellen 2022-04-21 09:01:26

    Ordinary marriage story, narrated by advanced director

    The most broken relationship between people may be the out-of-control contradictions and out-of-control injuries, and then knowing that those warm, beautiful things and love are still there, but there is no way to go back.

    Although I haven't experienced marriage, I still feel very lucky and happy...

  • Etha 2022-04-21 09:01:26

    Nicole's Choice

    In the process of watching the movie, I thought Nicole was very arrogant. When she complained that the apartment was not designed by me, and there was no furniture I liked, I would laugh. You are a big man, don't worry about anything Yes, I didn't think I was too lazy to give too much advice when I...

  • Gregorio 2022-04-21 09:01:26

    the nature of marriage

    The reason I watched this movie is because I am 39 years old and have two sons, and I have been confused about marriage since I got married.

    I have always felt that the ideal marriage is a virtuous wife, a smart child, and a successful career. But the reality is that in addition to the career has...