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Marriage Story Reviews

  • Maddison 2021-10-20 17:23:35

    Talking about the details of the photos on the wall

    While Nicole was in Nora’s office, I noticed a strange photograph on the wall of Nora’s office:

  • Gaylord 2021-10-20 17:23:04

    "We" and "I": Individual Narratives of Married Life

    14 years ago, Noah Baumbach created "The Squid and Whale" based on his parents' divorce experience when he was young. The comedy elements of youth growth and the self-deprecating intellectuals make this divorce story sad but harmless after all. Ironically and bitterly, the teenager who stood in...

  • Greyson 2021-10-20 17:23:03

    I killed myself and I killed you

    This may be the first film where I stopped thinking after watching it. Even though the actor's emotions are still attached to me, I don't know what to write about. Just like the couple who have been married for ten years in the story, they know that they need to talk to each other, but they don't...