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Manchester by the Sea Reviews

  • Aidan 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    Why should I watch Manchester by the Sea?

    "It is better to die than to live" After watching this movie, I immediately thought of a novel that I love very much, "To Live". Although both works are about a person's state of suffering, there are subtle differences between the two. In "Alive", the protagonist Fugui has experienced the pain and...

  • Brody 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    I understand the truth, but I still can't live my life well

    Every tragedy has a beautiful beginning.

    Lu Xun said: Tragedy is the destruction of the valuable things in life for others to see .

    Manchester by the Sea does just that. The death of the male protagonist's benevolent eldest brother caused a brief burst of sadness for the male protagonist.

    But the...

  • Tracy 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    How tragedy shoots down a floating soul (I

    Schopenhauer tells tragedies: the best tragedies should be like this - a person living an ordinary life without making any particularly serious mistakes, and suddenly being hit by a disaster. How does tragedy lead to grief, grief, and then sublime? After trembling over the pain and misery depicted...

  • Armando 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    I can't write a short review, just write it

    The director knows human emotions very well and knows how to manipulate human emotions. Anyone who has experienced similar things should feel the long-term pain of broken souls. Except that the ex-wife pushed the newborn baby to Li's emotional breakdown and said that Datong was a bit out of...

  • Maximillian 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    Subtle and full of tension

    Lee Chandler was a taciturn man, doing endless chores in Boston. But that seems to be just an excuse for him to escape the past and hide his grief, and even when the news of his beloved older brother Joe's passing of a heart attack doesn't add more grief to his stern face. After returning to his...

  • Felicia 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    "Facial Paralysis" can even win the Oscar for Best Actor, you will understand after watching this movie

    Before I write this, a disclaimer: The performance of Manchester by the Sea wasn't the best for everyone, and it wasn't without flaws. The only thing I can say for sure is that the actors in the play are acting from the right point of view: that the character's character drives the action of the...

  • Edmund 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    The Color of Sadness - Flashbacks, Empty Mirrors and Double Line Structures

    (First published on the "Iris" public account in February) A person who cannot get out of a sad past, such a story is difficult to tell in a movie. Sadness has no substance and no color flavor. How to make the audience feel the sadness of the characters? "Manchester by the Sea" presents us with a...

  • Tiara 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    Manchester by the Sea: 'Mourning' is a right

    After sweeping the European and American awards seasons, "Manchester by the Sea" was finally released in mainland theaters. This is the first film released by the National Art Film Screening Alliance on a special line. The film lineup is very limited, but it is the most outstanding summer file that...

  • Rosalee 2022-03-23 09:01:38


    A few days ago, I brushed the film again. To be honest, this isn't the first time I've watched it in a movie theater and watched it again on my computer when I get home. But only in this movie, and after half a year, I still remember very clearly what that seaside town should look like on the big...

  • Candice 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    initial look

    Your face that floats in the waves and mist   has always been a clock face           that can not be written. What can I remember   if there is really something, the   wind and waves leave it on the rock wall, leaving it as the     first appearance of the years, the first appearance of     time...