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Man on Fire Reviews

  • Kayden 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    My favorite photography style

    In addition to the dazzling and dazzling change of fast shots, the photographic style in the narration process is my big love. Taste carefully, you can see that every shot has meaning in it, either to advance the plot, or to reflect the details, or to create an artistic conception. In short, no...

  • Justen 2022-03-16 09:01:02

    Pita Creasy Rayburn Lisa Samuel

    I have watched the film more than 5 times. The master Tony Scott has made me obsessed with colors. It feels a bit of a night. The land of Mexico, the savage car, the blue swimming cap of Pita, the yellow school bag, the big suit of Creasy, the electronic watch. , Rayburn's floral shirt. Every girl...

  • Chris 2022-03-15 09:01:02

    About the redemption dream in every woman's heart

    Maybe every woman has a dream of being redeemed in her heart. That man doesn't need to be handsome and a lot of money, as long as he is calm, agile and brave, he is obsessed with saving you from the predicament anyway, and he does not hesitate to pay the price of his life. He is strong,...

  • Verlie 2022-03-15 09:01:02

    I am a lost lamb

    "Don't be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good." It's all because of the film Dakota Fanning watched. I love this little Lori so much. From "hijacking", "I am Sam", and "World War", every work feels impeccable. I very much look forward to her performance when she grows up. Denzel...

  • Fabian 2022-03-14 14:12:22

    The actor became a supporting role by the angel

    1. I have seen that there are some iron laws in Hollywood. Among them, "a husband and wife will definitely break up in a play" and "Never act with a child" are more famous. The former sentence can be proved by Liangtang and Kidman in "Eye-Opening", and the latter sentence should be used to prove...

  • Archibald 2022-01-25 08:02:54

    I love this feeling!

    First, let me explain that I like my daughter very much. Although I am only 19 years old, I do like my daughter, especially the well-behaved little daughter!    Well, back to the topic, talk about the movie itself!    In fact, before I completely watched it, I mistakenly thought that this was...

  • Darius 2022-01-25 08:02:54

    Why not kill all these dog days! The pregnant woman was dissected, and the underbody in her abdomen was stripped alive!

    Fuck you, trafficker. Fuck you, kidnapper. Fuck you, the underworld. Killing all of these comparisons, the ugly ones, tortured and killed their whole family. These bastards are not worthy of morality and humanity at all. I was very impulsive to see it. In order to highlight the heroism and...

  • Newell 2022-01-25 08:02:54

    Latin Americans love kidnapping

    Although watching the synopsis did not attract me too much, I did not hesitate to see Dakota Finning's name in the starring role. Although the role of the little girl only accounts for about half of the entire length of the film, Denzel Washington is after all the most outstanding among the black...

  • Meaghan 2022-01-25 08:02:54

    To eliminate evil for good is to take things out

    Denzel Washington’s movies are always watched. Even if the movies are not ordinary, watching his character acting is very interesting.

    The most classic sentence in the movie: "Forgiveness is a matter for them and God, what I do is let them meet."

    When people can't find the meaning of life, they put...

  • Reba 2022-01-25 08:02:54

    It starts with the value of the face, is stuck in the value of the face, and is loyal to the value of the face.

    Let’s not talk about anything else, even if there is no plot to show me Lori’s face for an hour, I’m willing to??

    The combination of cute loli and sturdy uncle will surely create a different spark, not to mention a flourishing beauty and a actor. At the beginning, I was attracted by...