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Man on Fire Reviews

  • Darius 2022-04-20 09:01:12

    My point of view

    After watching the film, it was very heartbreaking. Why did he die after she rescued Pingta? Although he died peacefully, it is better not to die. I prefer a perfect ending. Some people will say that a tragic ending will make People have deep memories and unforgettable memories, but I like the...

  • Pearline 2022-04-20 09:01:12

    Although the Chinese name doesn't translate well...

    But it's a good movie. In a kidnapping, countless people participated, the trustworthy and untrustworthy, those with power but no power, those who were close but not close, and even the father did not miss it. Only Peeta's mother, and Kress, saw Peeta, not numbers. I don't know how long the injured...

  • Mabelle 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    provoked the wrong person

    The footage of this movie is really too flashy and too shaky, it's uncomfortable to watch

    Pinta is so cute! I find myself liking movies with cute kids more and more. Innocent kids can really be the salvation of adults. Kreisai has nowhere to put her heart and nowhere to release the guilt. Because of...

  • Kellen 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    Spoiler spoiler~

    Cresser was a former US Special Forces soldier who traveled all over the world's most dangerous and inhospitable regions: Colombia, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo. . . , rescue hostages, armed suppression, stealth assassination, can be described as rich experience....

  • Dillon 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    Can't get the topic up

    I learned about "Hurricane Rescue" from watching "Uncle" before. The tone of the film is dark and cold, the technique is simple and neat, and there is a hint of warmth in the cool color. Coupled with a warm ending, it is simply a family film. Some people say that Koreans' "Uncle" is like "Hurricane...

  • Stacy 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    140 words are not enough for a short review

    The last part of the bridge still couldn't hold back. When Pita got out of the car, Creasy's breathing accelerated a lot. Finally, seeing that it was really her, he let out a sigh of relief. Even if he killed everyone, it wouldn't be able to match the heroine's "creasy". Seeing that pita is still...

  • Kianna 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    super bodyguard

    The little girl behind him on the poster: Dakota Fanning has appeared more and more in the past 2 years, first as a child actor and superstar in addition to this film, and then cooperated with Tom Cruise in "World of the World". Battle", it can be said that she has become familiar with many fans...

  • Ryleigh 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    Love more than love.

    Denzel's oil-free performance keeps every second of the film gripping. Hannah, who I knew from [Different Dad], still feels like a smart and mature girl here. What moved me the most was Kerrice's dedication to Pinta and Pinta's love for Kerrizer. For Pinta, ILOVEU's words are a call from the heart,...

  • Carmine 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    The body dies, the soul lives

    It happened to be this movie that I watched in two parts, the first part found the soul, and the next part regained the soul. The veteran has long been trained to be a killing machine, and alcohol is to some extent an antidote to temporarily forgetting the pain, and the looming scars on his hands...

  • Haley 2022-04-19 09:01:21

    Justice sometimes requires violence

    With a beautiful face, bright eyes, full of blond hair, a bright smile, and the image of a sweet little beauty, she is super cute. Speaking of which, she felt like a little adult, because she should not be mature at her age. Thinking about it, in her living environment, this is also...