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Making a Murderer Reviews

  • Irma 2022-09-13 20:21:38

    who actually killed TH is my creepiest

    After reading it, it can be said that everyone is partly responsible for TH's death. AS has suspicions that cannot be ruled out 100%, the police's speechless attitude, and the mixed attitude of the public. This whole incident and the death of this woman are completely different. Can't push the...

  • Harry 2022-09-10 21:48:34

    Truth is like poetry, but most people hate poetry.

    The title of the show, "Making A Murder," is a poignant and horrific pun, and we can both understand that the unfair, inhumane American justice system that the film seeks to present has produced a murderer. , but it can also be argued that 18 years of wrongful imprisonment may have led to Steven...

  • Delpha 2022-09-08 18:53:32

    update-Interview with Dean Strang who handles oil pipes

    After "Making a Murderer" was broadcast, Steven's lawyer and anchor Michelle Li conducted a live interview on FB. In the video, Dean answered many FB users' questions about the case. These questions are mainly about the trial of the Halbach case, such as why Steven did not testify in court, and why...

  • Arden 2022-09-08 02:17:37

    This film can't exonerate steven, but it can make people see how powerless the poor are

    The classic of this case is that the protagonist not only commits a crime once, but also a second time, so this documentary focuses on the second time. Fortunately, this documentary is in the form of follow-up shooting, many of which are first-hand information, and you can see the first reactions...

  • Kurtis 2022-09-06 16:48:39

    See for yourself~

    It looks like a very clear case of injustice that ends in one episode. I didn't expect the second episode to be unresolved, and then there will be another wave of injustice... Who the poor avery has offended, it seems that jc/zf all over the world have committed injustice. One virtue, one routine!...

  • Jennie 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    An excellent novel subject


  • Gerhard 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    One unfair trial is worse than ten crimes

    One unfair trial is worse than ten crimes. This case has received such great attention not only because of the lives of others, but also related to social fairness and justice.          Documentaries should be very popular among Chinese people. It caters to our usual psychology of hating the rich...

  • Elissa 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    After reading, go home and recite a hundred times forbearance

    1. Don't mess with the government and public authority anywhere, including the United States, which advertises freedom and civil rights, because they have 100 ways to kill you. 2. It is often better to spend money to hire a good lawyer than a public lawyer, but no matter how strong it is, it does...

  • Jaylon 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    Others are hell

    I think this movie is the best interpretation of "others are hell". What you choose to believe, what you can only see in your eyes. It's all obsession. This documentary is really good, and I must insist on seeing the second episode. I watched it on netflix and couldn't stop it. I think it’s really...

  • Paxton 2022-04-28 06:01:01

    After watching the full movie and other information, the reason to believe that Steve Avery is not guilty

    I never thought that I would watch such a long legal documentary in three days. After watching it, I can only say that it was too shocking. In such a calm and quiet courtroom, the power of the lawyers is so powerful in one sentence, I feel that I watched it. It is more exciting than watching any...