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Making a Murderer Reviews

  • Zechariah 2022-09-26 23:52:56

    feel a little

    This documentary is from the perspective of the defense, so it will be very one-sided, but when faced with a major decision that will ruin the lives of two people, should we think about those small possibilities objectively and rationally? If the two are innocent, then the real murderer is still at...

  • Paolo 2022-09-25 16:07:25

    The three prisons near Steven's house are too suffocating

    After reading it, I think the place where Steven lives is very close to the three prisons where he was imprisoned later. There are so many prisons near his home. In terms of feng shui, the evil spirit is too heavy! ! ! He was destined to go to jail again, and this time he brought Brandon, who was...

  • Alessia 2022-09-21 23:33:12

    The justice system "makes murderers" Netflix's documentary about abusing screenwriters is shocking

    In fact, I don't like chasing dramas. They always start to stink and grow after a little surprise. They occupy all kinds of pages and destroy beautiful encounters. They become market aunts. This does not mean that market aunts are not good, but they are familiar and impatient. American dramas The...

  • Hans 2022-09-21 17:17:08

    Disaster will bear fruit if you will.

    After finishing this series of documentaries in three days, I felt like cotton was blocked in my heart, and I couldn't spit it out or swallow it. When I first started watching it, I was still thinking about why I marked the first season, and it was not an American drama, and it continued without...

  • Jaylen 2022-09-21 16:29:46

    It can only be said that SA is the biggest suspect.

    This film is very guiding, and it is obviously narrated and edited from the perspective of SA. First of all, a low-level person with an IQ of 70 was brutally and even intentionally created by the police for 18 years of injustice, which is very sympathetic. If SA really killed the female...

  • Dion 2022-09-19 15:17:24

    I've been stuck with a big rock in my heart

    I am a person who likes movies and various excellent film and television works very, very much. I can’t say that I have watched too many movies or TV series in my life, but they are definitely not too few. I have never written an article or published it on a public platform. Any comments on film...

  • Reinhold 2022-09-19 08:08:49

    Doubts that prosecutors avoid

    1. SA still chooses to park the SUV on its own property, cover it foolishly with branches, and create eye-catching signs when it has a car press and a high-temperature steel melting machine that can bury the traces of crime deeper. 2. There were no blood splatters that were difficult to clean up...

  • Allene 2022-09-17 12:24:07

    Don't stop searching for the truth, don't stop resisting injustice!

    After watching the documentary "Making a Murderer", I felt terribly cold, pathetic and terrifying. "We are caught by the routines of life", we are numb by the inertial belt, most people seem to prefer the illusion of disguise, the exciting, explicit curiosity than the boring, sour and depressing...

  • Jasmin 2022-09-16 05:28:34

    Victory represents justice?

    I downloaded it this afternoon, and I've finished reading it now. Tell me how I feel. It was like someone poured a basin of cold water on me, chilling. 1 girl died, 2 suspects sentenced to life in prison. So who is the murderer? A bunch of question marks and exclamation marks in my head. Tell me...

  • Spencer 2022-09-14 11:49:17

    It might just be a documentary, but it's not just a documentary.

    First of all, this American drama is the best of the year, there is no denying it, because this drama at least makes us think and let us see the real human nature. I saw everyone's unanimous praise in the Weibo recommendation. I spent 2 nights watching this documentary, and I was shocked and deeply...