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Magic Magic Reviews

  • Milan 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    A possible extreme situation of estrangement

    Juno Temple's completion plan is another pathological character. A more weird, chaotic, and distorted atmosphere runs through from beginning to end. Intuitively, I feel that the film has a deep meaning, but after watching it again, I feel that I can’t say anything in detail, personal...

  • Bertha 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Really magical

    This is the only movie I've seen since I haven't slept well for a long time. Seriously, I'm a bit like the protagonist in some ways. I lived with a group of strangers before. It was also cowardly and almost crazy at the time. I cried in the bedroom every day, but in this movie, the fear was...

  • Daphney 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Interpreted self

    Alicia's state is repeatedly influenced and defined by others, and she put herself in the hands of others. Are others bad? Absolutely not, others just never thought they were so kind. Her self is fragile and transparent, and she is vulnerable, and her interactions with others are like a piece of...

  • Dasia 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Morbid mood

    The atmosphere of the movie creates a personal favorite, the deserted island, the vast sea, the neurotic characters, and some of the shots only stuck in the lower body, creating a kind of cold horror.

    In psychology, yellow symbolizes a positive color, sunshine, and optimism, but under the...

  • Rachelle 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Strive to maintain an ambiguous atmosphere

    This thriller shortlisted for the "Director's Fortnight" in Cannes made me look forward to it for a long time, and I was deeply attracted by the poster when I first saw it. Is this character in the yellow coat a loyal or a traitor? Is it a man or a ghost? Coupled with this new Chilean director's...

  • Arne 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Quite disappointed

    This thriller shortlisted for this year's "Director's Fortnight" in Cannes this year made me look forward to it for a long time. When I first saw the poster, I was fascinated by it. Is this character in the yellow coat a loyal or a traitor? Is it a man or a ghost? Coupled with this new Chilean...

  • Leopoldo 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Hospice care for the mentally ill

    This is a lengthy and relevant film. In my opinion, it is more like the director having an in-depth conversation with the mentally ill with an open mind.          The film repeats several symptoms of the heroine: auditory hallucinations, visual hallucinations, suspiciousness, insomnia, social...

  • Devante 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    The sequel to the tower

    The film is relatively cryptic, but it is expressive. Why can’t you understand Tongtian Pagoda? Don’t say that the heroine is more neurotic and other people are more normal. If the director thinks that group of people are normal, he doesn’t need to shoot. Such a thing. He asked us to follow the...

  • Aaliyah 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Movies watched by non-normal people

    After watching the film twice, I didn't have the desire to watch it halfway through, so I looked for film reviews to try to understand what I couldn't understand. It is estimated that most people can't understand this way of expression, to show the external stimuli that a schizophrenic girl...

  • Agustina 2022-01-20 08:02:11

    Many people have been misled

    It’s not a thriller, it’s just a general feature film. The match-fixing was misled by the commercial film’s genre model. From the beginning, the director gradually revealed the personality of each person. As for Alicia , he is timid, sensitive, unexcited, and in an unfamiliar environment. There are...

Magic Magic

Director: Sebastián Silva

Language: English,Spanish Release date: August 28, 2013

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