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Looper Reviews

  • Frederic 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    Give up your present self and say goodbye to the future

    When do you start to want to say goodbye to a fixed fateful future. When did you start your current struggle, like everyone else, for a house, a car, a girlfriend who looks pleasing to the eye and a good family, a well-behaved and sensible next generation with good academic performance, and a...

  • Shaniya 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    Movie theme is too big

    The theme of the film is a big     ring-shaped messenger. At the moment of the curtain call, I felt that I was hit. It may be because of the female perspective. This movie hit me. The story is very big, and    love is put into it. The Chinese woman decided to change everything, changed her money...

  • Kole 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    All kinds of serious and non-serious rants -- pretending to be tight

    Well, I'm really not a fan of science fiction and I don't have Sheldon's strong three-dimensional analysis ability. I just watched the cold wind blowing on the way home, like a shiver after booing, and suddenly thought of a few points that I couldn't figure out, so I bravely After thinking about it...

  • Alphonso 2022-04-19 09:01:08

    film with ideas

    Many people complained on the Internet but I think the most ideal part of this film is the superimposed narrative of the story and the problem-solving vision conveyed to us through the film. First of all, through the superposition of the lives of Old Joe and Xiao Qiao, the film highlights that Joe...

  • Gia 2022-03-22 09:01:06

    Just talk about logic-in fact, you are dead, do you know...

    *Writing it out is just to help me sort out the logic and communicate with my friends.* First of all, this is really not a movie that the general public likes to see. Halfway through the movie, the couple sitting in front of me left the scene, and the right side, reluctant to leave, yawned loudly...

  • Edmund 2022-03-22 09:01:06

    Ring messenger: why China is different from the world

    The hottest topic recently is no longer "The Ring Messenger", but Mo Yan. He unexpectedly won the Nobel Prize for Literature. The topic of literature that has rarely entered the scope of popular topics in daily life has been heated up. And this kind of heat will continue to be hot for a while.  But...

  • Kamille 2022-03-22 09:01:06

    This is the X-Men prequel

    At first I thought that the heroine was Xu Qing, because the propaganda said that Xu Qing was a soy sauce maker at all, and she didn't even have any lines. Then I thought that the heroine was the girl who danced, but found out that she was also playing soy sauce, although the soy sauce bottle was a...

  • Branson 2022-03-22 09:01:06

    A unique ethical film of magical affliction

    Maybe everyone has had this kind of experience, dreaming a pretty plot dream, some settings God can’t think of when they are awake, and when they wake up in the morning, they feel that the scientific and logical settings in the dream cannot be fulfilled. The flaws. The same goes for Looper. Usually...

  • Frida 2022-03-22 09:01:06

    Sad three-dimensional creatures, let's talk about human nature

    I remember that when I was in junior high school or high school biology, I learned the knowledge of classification, which is the so-called category, family, genera and species, which is similar to a catalog. So I saw a variety of classification methods in my next life, and I unified these methods...

  • Guillermo 2022-03-22 09:01:06

    Mobius Ring

    As a science fiction film, what this film lacks is special effects. It is also time travel, but there is no luxurious equipment necessary for various time travel films, only a simple time machine; it is also a cycle of strange circles, but it does not have the simple logic of "Terror Cruise" and...