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Loki Reviews

  • Chance 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    How the MCU completely destroyed a role in ten years

    Warning: The scoring only represents the subjective opinion of a radical fan of Loki.

    MCU really lived up to expectations and reached a new height. A 6-episode TV series has never been so long in my life. I can’t believe that after watching ep1 and ep2 a few weeks ago, I am still confident that I...

  • Edyth 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    S1E1 | Glorious Purpose vs Free Will

    [Wang bombing start spoiler warning]

    While denying the free will of others, you are eager to establish and maintain your own freedom at the same time. Arrogance and cunning are two sides to you. If it's not for this, can you and Thanos work together to destroy half of the life in the universe? It's...

  • Kurt 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    Glorious mission: details & easter eggs (continuous update)

    This episode is heavyweight: Time guilty "Female Rocky" reveals his true face,

    But is she really the "female Rocky"?

  • Malachi 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    A supplement to the DB Cooper case mentioned in the first episode

    In EP1, it was mentioned that Luo Gene lost a bet with his brother and came to Earth for the first time and turned into a bomber hijacking story. Agent Mobius who interrogated him was amazed, it turns out that DBCooper was you back then! This bridge segment connects the fictional MCU story with...

  • Patsy 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    [S01 All] "Rocky" S01E06 American Drama Spoken English Notes | I don't want the throne, I only want you to be safe and sound.

    episode 1

    After watching the first episode of "Rocky", I summarized 20 practical spoken expressions~ (by the way, help the subtitles group to correct a few mistakes)

    Episode 2The second episode's brain burn level is higher than that of the first episode. I believe that Rocky's ratings will set a new...

  • Leonard 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    Long and smelly dog ​​blood six episodes large-scale trailer

    Speechless, after watching the season finale, one word is speechless

    First of all, as an independent season drama, at least the storyline should be complete. Although the buried egg is a follow-up work, although it is a movie tradition of M Factory, at least every movie is complete and independent,...

  • Hannah 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    This is not Rocky's personal drama at all

    This is not Rocky's personal drama at all, but a crappy copy of "Rick and Morty" in Marvel's skin (the main creators are all dug from R&M).

    Luo, who is not dead, should basically be included in the what if series, and write a story about "God of Fraud got the space gem and made a comeback."...

  • Aletha 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    Devadado of MCU [EP1: Glorious Purpose]

    There are several famous scenes in the first episode. Of course Loki's life behind him in the secret room is very sharp (and I want to praise my Sen's textbook acting skills again here. In a one-man show, his emotions progressed layer by layer, from tears to tears to surprise and anger. To...

  • Harrison 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    Stop ruining this character, what do you think about 9.2?

    After watching the two episodes, I was speechless. From Thor's Three Destructions to the present, the character of Loki can't fight anyone in a fight, and his brain is smarter than the agent of the time. How can I say that I am also a very strong mage in comics. Now I can use magic to dry clothes...

  • Nat 2021-11-25 08:01:31

    "Traffic" TV series

    This drama is obviously going high and low. In the first episode, the setting is introduced, Rocky feels, the story links the previous and the next, and the rhythm is very well controlled. It not only explains Loki's original motivation for doing evil, but also introduces the development of...