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Logan Reviews

  • Silas 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    Death is the end

    Superhero movies have a common feature, that is violence, whether it is the righteous or the evil, the way to solve problems will be violence. But this is also the charm of the movie.

    Every time the Wolverine in the movie uses violence to solve the enemy, it will definitely attract more and more...

  • Mylene 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    Wolverine 3: We are not superpowers

    What is a movie adapted from a comic? What makes these movies unique? After decades of exploration and development of Yusanjia, what we see before our eyes is the Disney/Marvel series that has become the mainstream standard: harmless to humans and animals + visual bombardment, and the controversial...

  • Lyda 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    There is no Wolverine

    This time, I really want to say goodbye.

    At the end of the movie, Wolverine was killed by a copy of himself and fell in the woods. The new mutant girl with her own genes cried into tears. At the last parting, the little girl tilted the tombstone in front of Wolverine’s humble grave. When you put it...

  • Cleta 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    Thoughts on the movie "Lugan"

    The hero's twilight is inevitable, but if you are as downhearted as Lugan, as the author who has watched the X-Men movie series for more than ten years, it will be broken and heartbroken. A group of Mexican gangsters stole vehicle parts. Lugan listened to their whispers. He never wanted to wake up...

  • Elsa 2022-03-20 09:01:12

    It's the end and the beginning: "Wolverine 3" in the eyes of X Xiaobai

    These people, whose destiny is very different from ordinary people, are also living hard and difficultly, just like us.

    This article was first published in the public account lapianjun (lapianjun)

    For the "X-Men" series and the character of Wolverine, I just probably know it. Without the strong...

  • Lucie 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Let the sky fall

    This is a story of superhero aging. On the same theme, 007 has also had a great murder. Judy Dench has been playing 007 boss Ms. M since 1995 in "Golden Eye", and was 78 years old by the time of "Death by Sky" in 2012. In the story, M died in the arms of 007. For nearly 20 years, M, no matter how...

  • Raymundo 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    After watching Wolverine 3, including serious spoilers

    Wolverine 3-Desperate Cut

    Wolverine 3-a cut

  • Isidro 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Marvel "art film" of wasteland + family ethics + road + special effects.

    Wasteland movie, Mad Max, Book of Avery. For certain shots, I did think that I had strayed into the set of Fury Road. Family ethics, hurricane rescue? Am i sam? Highway movies don’t correspond to a specific one, but driving a car everywhere does have road genes. Show stunts, X-Men, abilities, 11...

  • Alice 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    Goodbye, Wolverine, hello, X-Men

    This Wolverine is indeed the last work of Uncle Wolf. Thanks to the producer for not making him 3D, because it is really unnecessary. The martial arts are simple and rude. The literary drama may be a bit harsh and rough because of entering the East Factory, but the style of the whole film It’s...

  • Shirley 2022-03-19 09:01:02

    We got the ending, but we are not so happy

    I like Marvel movies very much. The heroes who are very angry are very cute. They are usually used by me to pass the time after dinner, but this movie is very different.

    We like x-man because they have amazing skills. Generally, these movies describe their heyday. But this film carefully shows us...