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Logan Reviews

  • Mariano 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    No Country for Old Logan

    Since the X-Men series hit the big screen in 2000, Hugh Jackman has played the role of Wolverine for 17 years. For 17 years, we can see King Kong in almost every X-Men series of movies. Wolf figure. He is strong, brave, with an indestructible body and will, and in a way, his struggle mirrors the...

  • Jordy 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    Xmen, it's hard to say goodbye

    1. Born this way, be true to yourself and not go against your nature. There is no retreat in life, right and wrong have to be borne.

    2. The era will pass, and I can't bear to keep it. People will leave, and a quick glance is fate. It's time to go, let's say goodbye. The movie gave us a good farewell...

  • Theron 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    Maybe I'm not old enough

    Before I went to the cinema, I had been bombarded by various Weibo big Vs, official accounts and film review blogs for half a month. All the feedback basically came with exclamation marks and tears. As a third-rate aesthetic audience who loves to follow the trend, he finally couldn't resist the...

  • Peggie 2022-04-22 07:01:03

    Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, Wolverine 3

    "It's right or wrong, you have to bear the burden of your life." When I first heard the news of "Wolverine 3", I didn't show much interest. It mainly focuses on R-rated apocalyptic films. At first glance, it lacks the various elements in the previous "X-Men". various superpowers. Another story...

  • Monte 2022-04-21 09:01:16

    To Uncle Wolf

    This is an article that I wanted to write a few months ago. Now that I've finished it, I feel relieved. Uncle Wolf, I'm here to say goodbye to you.

  • Vita 2022-04-21 09:01:16

    The final chapter of an epic about a man

    Every epic has a final chapter.

  • Kameron 2022-04-21 09:01:16

    Only when the grass and trees are scattered, fearing that the hero will be too late

    The least Marvel movie, this unexpected wave of sensationalism is really uncomfortable. Uncle Wolf is getting old, and it really hurts. Only when the grass and trees fall, I am afraid that the hero will be too late.

    1. The original name is LOGAN, not WOLVERINE, which indicates that heroes become...

  • Kole 2022-04-21 09:01:16

    Could it be that I'm watching a fake Wolverine 3?

    Seeing the positive comments on the screen, I deeply doubted, could it be that I watched the fake Wolverine?

    1. The plot is protracted, the picture is dull, the emotions are blunt, and there are too many bugs. Does everything outside the plot need the audience to rely on their brains?

    2. The special...

  • Brice 2022-04-21 09:01:16

    Wolverine 3: The Last Stand

    Wolverine 3: Fight to the death. The comparison disappoints me. The disappointment lies in two points: First, the commercial purpose is too strong. Obviously, I want to send the old wolf away quickly and let the new wolf take over. For a movie called "Logan", the new wolf The role of the film is...