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Logan Reviews

  • Ellen 2021-10-19 09:56:05

    The hero's twilightness has always been the most sighing

    Wolverine’s figure is one of the best among superheroes, especially the rock-hard chest muscles and the violent veins on his arms, which have always been the hallmarks of this character. From the first time he played Wolverine, he lived a life like an ascetic. In addition to daily...

  • Corene 2021-10-19 09:55:11

    He wants to buy a boat, and he wants to die

    Logan hid Charles, worked hard to make money, wanted to buy a boat, cut off from the world, and drift off the ocean

    Logan often has nightmares, i kill people. Killing creates a nightmare. No matter whether the opponent is a good or a bad person, when you start to kill, you will bear the sins....

  • Angeline 2021-10-19 09:55:11

    [Translation] Articles about writing easter eggs on the Internet

    Now only the translation of the easter egg article can dispel the sorrow of my wolf investigation. This section translated an article about writing easter eggs on the Internet. Although some of them have been said before, they have a different feeling after watching a movie....

  • Hilton 2021-10-19 09:55:11

    The cruelest curtain call.

    I know that you will get old, and I can accept that you get old, but the late hero should also be righteous, and your grievances should not be left nowhere. Our professor, the gentle and kind Charles, even if he becomes a little old man, he should still be loved by countless students in the most...

  • Alysha 2021-10-19 09:55:11

    Resurrection is very painful, Alang should not be resurrected again.

    The sleepy-eyed Alang was unshaven and swayed when he stood up, in a very poor state. After that, Alang's state will only be worse than this.

    A superhero movie without a protagonist halo is simply a road movie. Wolfie's part-time job is not miserable, he used to work part-time too. It's just that...

  • Marietta 2021-10-19 09:55:11

    As of this film, the timeline of the X-Men series of live-action movies is organized

    1. In order to avoid differences caused by the inconsistent translation, all the names of the characters in the following use the original English names . 2. In the following, except for the time points clearly given in the two films "1973" and "1983", the rest of the time All are...