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The Tribe Reviews

  • Johann 2022-09-23 13:08:33

    "Tribe of the Deaf and Mute": Cruel Youth in a Silent World

    Deaf-mute people, few people in this group may be able to reach. The reason why this movie calls their living environment "tribes" means that they are completely isolated from a society controlled by healthy people. Few of us understand their language, and their psychology is different from that of...

  • Donnell 2022-09-19 19:38:43

    Extremely violent youth with physical deduction

    In 2014, a young Ukrainian director personally wrote and directed his screen debut. This movie turned out like a thunderstorm, breaking all language and text restrictions, making countless audiences and industry insiders shocked, criticism and controversy flooded in, but praises like "ghosts" also...

  • Loyal 2022-09-06 12:51:54

    Personal Movie List #156. "Tribe of the Deaf and Mute"

    Personal rating: ★★★☆ "Tuina" tells the life of a blind masseur, while this "Tribe of the Deaf and Mute" tells about the crime of a group of deaf and mute students. It is darker than "Tuina", dark from beginning to end, and even in several scenes, even if you don’t need to pay attention to its...

  • Maiya 2022-06-09 19:22:05

    "The Tribe of the Deaf and Mute": Silent Primitive Jungle

    Text / Willow Warbler

    Watching "Tribe of the Deaf and Mute" in the theater is the most special experience in recent years. At the beginning of the movie, a line of small characters reminded the audience that this story took place in a boarding school for the deaf and dumb in Ukraine. For the next...

  • Stan 2022-06-09 18:54:28

    The "Tribe"

    Sergey transferred to a new school for the deaf and dumb. In order to integrate into the group as soon as possible, he joined a juvenile criminal group in the school.

    There is no line in this movie, we can only observe them communicating in sign language, but most of these communication-oriented...

  • Russ 2022-06-09 14:21:04

    Enter the world of silent films on the premise of deaf-mute people

    #电影记1110金马影展:<太静的事件># This is a movie that pays tribute to the "silent film era". It is also the first time I watched in a movie theater. There is no dialogue, no subtitles, no music, only partial environmental sound A "silent film" with a length of nearly 3 hours. In my opinion, the concept of...

  • Cletus 2022-06-09 12:44:40

    The Silent Love Is So Cold--"The Tribe of the Deaf and Mute"

    This is a pure film world without language and subtitles. The filming format is beyond imagination. The human voice from the beginning to the end of the film is only a scream made by a deaf-mute girl during an abortion. The original scream makes the language redundant. , Because there is...

The Tribe

Director: Myroslav Slaboshpytskyi

Language: Ukrainian Sign Language,Ukrainian Release date: September 11, 2014

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