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Like Father, Like Son Reviews

  • Jarvis 2022-03-21 09:02:58

    Dad's influence

    When I explore family relationships, intimacy, and parent-child relationships, I like to watch related high-scoring videos, and through the perspective of movies, I like to analyze the touch of inner emotions, and to understand and think about myself and others in the fog. Watching movies is also a...

  • Al 2022-03-20 09:02:34


    I have come across two words recently - Japanese-style fun and extravagance.

    Tanigawa Shuntaro mentioned in one of his essays "Yu Yu" that the word appeared in the advertising slogan and said that it was the surplus of space and wealth. And Tanigawa Shuntaro believes that the real surplus is the...

  • Trudie 2022-03-20 09:02:34


    After reading the book and then watching the movie, the characters are more delicately portrayed than the movie book.

    In fact, the protagonists are not the two children, but the father of the children, many of them. The father had an unhappy childhood, but succeeded by his own efforts, so he was as...

  • Alexys 2022-01-15 08:02:05

    Father is also an irreplaceable job

    "The lovely son who has been with him day and night for the past six years has no blood relationship with him, and all of this started when he was hugged by mistake in the hospital." At first glance at the brief introduction of the story, it is estimated that many people will have such thoughts."...

  • Shaina 2022-01-15 08:02:05

    The process of parenting is not to "hit the ball" but to "catch the ball"——Review of the Japanese movie "Like a Father Like a Son"

    This film, which won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013, not only touched the filmmakers like Spielberg and Nicole Kidman, but also the story and the emotional changes of the characters. It makes people miss it from time to time, and revisited it several times without knowing it....

  • Johnathon 2022-01-15 08:02:05

    Moved above, but not full of surprises

    Most people will be moved by "Father Like Son", but they will not be satisfied with this similar simplified story in a "confidant" shell. It is Zhi Yuhe who has a broader expectation space, turning the family drama into a stream and ocean, but he only stingly opened a familiar drawer. "Father Like...

  • Treva 2022-01-15 08:02:05

    You don't need to be like your father

    Just released the top ten of Japan's "Film Weekly" in 2013, and "Father Like Son" continues to be on the list. As one of the most representative Japanese Mesozoic directors, Hirokazu Edema has always attracted Chinese fans with his approachable style and expressive attitude. As previously...

  • Geovany 2022-01-15 08:02:05

    Like father like son

    Frankly speaking, last night, after watching Yu Ke and this "As a Father Like a Son", I was so hard-hearted that I cried in a mess. Maybe it stems from the emotional connection of thousands of families, but it is deeply rooted in the pain of human nature. . I envy the Saimu and his wife who are...

  • Korbin 2022-01-15 08:02:05


    そして父になる, I prefer Japanese titles. As a person who slowly learns Japanese in fishing and drying the net, I understand it as one of the meanings, becoming like a father, and the second meaning, becoming a father. This kind of generalization of the meaning of the film seems to be more comprehensive....

  • Katlynn 2022-01-15 08:02:05

    Never fall in love with someone who has never been completely broken in love~~

    "Father Like Son" ("Who Changed My Father"), like other excellent movies, has a daily plot, smooth rhythm, and rich connotation. It conveys a lot of information and can arouse people's thinking from different perspectives. The general plot is about a typical middle-class family in a city in Japan...