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Lee Daniels' The Butler Reviews

  • Fabiola 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    Different routes to the same goal

    Father and son have two generations of blacks. His father started from the bottom of the society. He was hit hard by the system’s wanton persecution of blacks. Unfair systems are also appreciated. The only resistance is to fight for equal pay within the White House (the top level of the...

  • Carson 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    There is such a kind of person

    After reading a lot of comments about this film, my overall feeling is this: This was originally a film made for Americans, but it was climaxed by a group of Chinese losers! One thing to add is that these losers know that they are a group of Chinese citizens who have the "American dream."... 

  • Jerald 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    America, everything is possible!

    In the final stage of the American Civil War in 1865, when the Union Army led by Lincoln's federal government was about to win, the government voted to pass the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, officially abolishing slavery in the United States. However, this law was not promulgated....

  • Frances 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    Main melody movie

        Oscar-winning movies are all around the main theme, such as this time "Twelve Years as a Slave".     The Americans took the trouble to dig out the conflict between blacks and whites, singing over and over again: Look, your life is not easy now. This coincides with some of the main...

  • Matilda 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    Son and Father, Father and Son

    This film, which has a very low score on IMDB, is unexpectedly good. I think it may be because Americans have no patience to watch a film that requires brains (haha). In fact, it has done a good job in facing problems, analyzing, precipitating, and converting. It tells history with the...

Lee Daniels' The Butler

Director: Lee Daniels

Language: English Release date: August 16, 2013