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Lee Daniels' The Butler Reviews

  • Wade 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    Comment on "The Steward of the White House": Moderate Black Biopic

      The resources for the awards season are coming out one after another, and a few have been released, but this is the first one I saw. I didn't look forward to it before, knowing that this is probably about the history of black blood and tears, and there should be another explosion of...

  • Esmeralda 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    Review history

    Not to mention the film technique and quality, a positive film that praises equality and contemporary politics will not be too bad to spurn. I feel that I have been taken to review American history and it would be nice to re-resource some vague concepts. The following links to learn...

  • Katrine 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    We mistakenly believe that everything in life will come naturally

    Don't talk about shooting skills, directors, actors, and I don't understand.        Just talk about the feeling that the film brings to me, yes, it is moving, all kinds of demonstrations, like a weapon of belief against a real weapon, powerless to make people sad, remove the background of...

  • Van 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    History of the Black Civil Rights Movement

    The plot and acting skills of the film are lacklustre, but there are a series of conflicts between the profound sense of history. The first thing to show is ethnic conflict. Opening: The white man shot the black male protagonist's father with a single shot. Ending: Obama explains the...

  • Concepcion 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    Related videos

    One sentence comment Although the role of those historical events in the film is very obvious, the film has always been very interesting and moving-most importantly, it is never boring. ——The "Hollywood Reporter" film is no longer like a movie on the cultural level, but is more like an...

  • Ibrahim 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    The life of an ordinary person

           Willing to use movies to shoot an ordinary person's life, this is a rare subject. The protagonist has no ups and downs in life legends, earth-shattering heroic deeds, the whole story is just the frustration, pain, confusion and reconciliation that an ordinary person will encounter...

  • Abe 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    The White House Steward: A little green among the flowers

    "It's been ten years, it's been ten years, I thought the country had forgotten me at all." "How could it be, even a pair of underwear and a piece of toilet paper have their uses." This is "Domestic Lingling Paint" The lines here, Aqi, as a national alternate spy, was finally reused and was...

  • Major 2021-12-17 08:01:08


    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. — Martin Luther King Jr." "When I got older, I knew I had to go before he killed me, too. Part of me was scared to leave. It was the only world I ever knew. My mama never spoke much after that. I knew she'd miss me, but I also...

  • Hilton 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    Fortunately, Obama did not appear

    Maybe a long life can’t be finished in two hours, so it’s really uncomfortable to change from a child to a young person at the beginning. Although a lot of them have happened, we can only choose medium and big events to show, but the details are few. Year after year, in the same scene, in...

  • Lizzie 2021-12-17 08:01:08

    The living version of "Forrest Gump"

    1. The eldest son of the male protagonist has no news, and the second son died in the war in Vietnam. Isn't it the American version of "To Live"? 2. The editing started in about 40 minutes: the eldest son participated in the civil rights movement in the South, and was spit and scolded by...