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Lee Daniels' The Butler Reviews

  • Linnea 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Forrest Gump mix founding great cause = the main melody is also good-looking

    From the perspective of a black servant, the film shows the struggle of blacks in the United States for their rights from the 1920s and 1930s to the election of Obama as president in 2008.     The protagonist of the film, Cecil, witnessed his mother being raped by a farmer and his father being shot...

  • Arturo 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    34 years, 8 presidents, chief steward.

    Inspired by an article in the Washington Post, the film is based on real events. The protagonist, Eugene Allen, is a black man who entered the White House in 1952 as a food steward. During his 34 years in office, there have been eight U.S. presidents, and Eugene eventually became the White House's...

  • Daron 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    White House Butler

    Cecil Gaines in "The Housekeeper" isn't a special agent or a prominent character, he's just a servant. However, he is a servant of the White House, serving in the White House for 34 years, serving 8 presidents before and after. In front of a safflower like the president, as a member of the service...

  • Jean 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    American black history

    (Spoiler) "The White House Butler" is reminiscent of "Forrest Gump", and also tells the changes in modern American society through a character's decades-long experience. In comparison, I prefer "White", because "A" is too fairy tale, "White" is based on the true story of Eugene Allen, adding an...

  • Barry 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Long-lost touch - After watching the movie "The Butler"

    I haven't been deeply shocked by a movie for a long time. Tonight in the dark theater, when the old protagonist Cecil Gaines watched his wife pass away peacefully by his side, I burst into tears at that moment, for the flesh and blood in the play, The simple and fresh life of a little...

  • Keith 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    a little feeling

    It's worth watching, don't think of it as a work that sings the main theme, it doesn't sing about any government, it advocates the right to equality and freedom, and opposes violent conflict. Life in the White House, focusing on each president's views on racial issues, and finally he waited until...

  • Cyril 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    his bravery

    The stalemate between father and son, the struggle between clan and clan; under the long river of time, under perseverance and bravery. The father walked to the brink of his son's rebellion, and Obama took the seat of President of the United States. At that moment, the father brought the son's...

  • Missouri 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    American dream

    I will still be moved by this movie that promotes the main theme of the United States. Believe me, I am also very helpless. After watching the movie, I ended up with a book as news of discourse. I think it's like the news, no matter how bad the news, if it is carefully packaged, it will always make...

  • Jannie 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    The White House Butler - Freedom

    It took so long to have the opportunity to watch this film, and I was moved by too many places. If you ask me what the film is mainly about, I can't say for a while, I just feel that I have seen a life in two hours. And the background of this life turned out to be the entire United States. The word...

  • Karlie 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    From Wiki for a Better Understanding

    Departures from the facts of Allen's life Regarding historical accuracy, Eliana Dockterman wrote in Time: "Allen was born on a Virginia plantation in 1919, not in Georgia.... In the movie, Cecil Gaines grows up on a cotton field in Macon, where his family comes into conflict with the white farmers...