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Lebanon Reviews

  • Dariana 2022-01-19 08:02:50

    Lebanon war: inner conflict of tank soldiers

    The film "Lebanon" is a film about the Lebanese civil war adapted from his personal experience by Israeli film director Samuel Maoz. The filming scope of this film is limited to a small enclosed space inside the tank. Through the unique perspective of the tank scope, it depicts four young Israeli...

  • Daniella 2022-01-19 08:02:50

    No need to ask for heroism

    War is not entirely passionate heroism. It is more full of self-selection, self-contradiction and scrutiny of human nature in a forced environment, full of confusion, self-interest, cowardice, mistakes, judgments..., the protagonists. It's just a microcosm of some of the most real people in the...

  • Lexie 2022-01-19 08:02:50

    What they saw in the eyes of Hot Weapon...

    When director Ang Li gracefully awarded the Golden Lion to this promising young man in Israel, the audience was thrilled! This is the wisest and most free choice of several film workers on the basis of serving the public, democracy and equality! I am so gratified that Venice can have such a golden...

  • Joelle 2022-01-19 08:02:50

    There is no hero, only the body of fear and despair

    The plot of this movie is not ups and downs, but the symbolism is rich, expressing the understanding of war. Waiting for orders, entering the city, solving the kidnappers, small battles, strayed into the encirclement, breaking through, it is as simple as that. The tank is the scene that runs...


Director: Samuel Maoz

Language: Hebrew,Arabic,French,English Release date: October 15, 2009