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Leave No Trace Reviews

  • Linnea 2022-03-21 09:02:30

    "Leave No Trace" - Deep-rooted American Thinking

    The work in 2018 won the Best Film Award and the Best Director Award at the 34th Independent Spirit Awards in 2019. The film is about a special father and daughter. Will, a Vietnam War veteran with PTSD, and his 13-year-old daughter Tom lived undetected for four years in the Portland National...

  • Chauncey 2022-03-20 09:02:11

    The sound of chickens and dogs is heard, and old and dead do not communicate with each other

    Leave no trace (no camping) I don't know how, so I formed two small concepts: 1. The best way to express is metaphor. 2 The best way to communicate is to tell a story. It is really commendable that this film has always maintained a neutrality without any didactic language and has always maintained...

  • Thurman 2022-03-20 09:02:11

    Seahorses and Beehives

    * In the case of serious mental illness, the father still gave his daughter a healthy and independent soul;

  • Vallie 2022-03-20 09:02:11

    unexpected ending

    It's been a long time since I came across a movie I liked, and the emotional restraint is hearty, and there is power in the silence.

    A father with PTSD, unable to integrate into society physically and mentally, lives with his daughter in the forest on the edge of the city, away from human...

  • Luciano 2022-03-20 09:02:11

    May you have the ability to live in groups and the right to be isolated

    The film "leave no Trace" (leave no trace) is a feature film directed by Debra Granick , based on Peter Rock's novel of the same name. Starring Ben Foster and Thomasin McKenzie, it was released in the United States on June 29, 2018. Director Debra Granick, as a Sundance independent film...

  • Asha 2022-03-20 09:02:11

    A society that cannot bear to ask

    After watching the movie, various unrelated thoughts popped up: A—— Humans evolved from gregarious animals, but it is difficult to give an easy answer to whether human beings are being protected by society or enslaved. But even so, respecting each other's choices is the only thing that can be...

  • Annamae 2021-12-27 08:01:43

    The inescapable social network

    This is a very rich film. In addition to the living conditions of marginalized people, the reintegration of traumatic veterans after the war and the education of their children, this film also made a good thought experiment, that is, in today's society, in a state of total incompatibility, How far...

  • Shanny 2021-12-27 08:01:43

    Best ending

    (Text/Yang Shiyang)

    "Leave No Trace" is an indescribable movie. It has no big plot, but more of an atmosphere, a symbol, like a short fable. Its story is very simple, a father and daughter have been living in the forest park, picnics, tents, primitive, simple and self-sufficient. For the two of...

  • Laurianne 2021-12-27 08:01:43

    "It's okay, don't worry"

    The original "My Abandonment" I bought on Amazon today has arrived, and I still can't help but want to write about my reading comprehension.

    I like this story so much. After I told the whole story, I was full of thoughts and thought a lot about how to define a "good life", how to define the "right...

  • Ruby 2021-12-27 08:01:43

    This is the life I long for

    Humans are a collective social animal. Each member of this society has independent thinking consciousness, which makes the individual different, but the herd mentality will make the individual be affected by the group and change the individual’s behavior. Judgment, behavior. The larger the size of...