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Leave No Trace Reviews

  • Devonte 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    Right and wrong?

    Today I watched one of my favorite movies recently - "Leave No Trace". The overly calm narrative style is a bit frustrating, but in the end it explodes with a force in a gentle but heartbreaking way.

    Everyone's perception of the meaning of life is always various, sometimes even diametrically...

  • Hailee 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    [Leave No Trace] - The loneliness that can't come out

    ***Original by the author, please share as much as you like, please indicate the source for reprinting***

    I once saw a somewhat similar movie, Viggo Mortensen in [Captain Fantastic], alone with a bunch of children, in an isolated place, educated in his own way A bunch of genius-like children have...

  • Moriah 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    The awakening of free will, take them away, separate them.

    On an autumn weekend afternoon, I quietly watched this movie alone, feeling a little stuck in my heart, but also very happy.

    This kind of movie should be released in ten years. It is not sensational and delicate, but it has a kind of refreshing pain, like the green of the jungle in the film.

  • Rico 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    all kinds of possibilities

    So what exactly is right? This movie is a bit like "Manchester by the Sea", telling you that some people can't get out of it anyway, and your inability to understand may be their happiest choice. But when I watched this movie, I always had an uncomfortable feeling that the initial strength between...

  • Angelita 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    no trace of love

    It's about family, the love between father and daughter. But the background of everything is based on the fact that the father and daughter have been living in the "park" and "isolated" from the world. During the period, they were discovered and attracted the police, so that they had to "integrate"...

  • Johnson 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    What you think of "free will" is only what you think

    1. The father in the play wants to live in the forest, because he is not suitable for modern human society, and completely opposes "I" and "them", takes himself too seriously, and thinks that others are not well-intentioned. This is a kind of The deformed worldview and the fear of the external...

  • Ana 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    be well

    At first, I thought it was a movie like "Guide to Wilderness" - I didn't expect the father and daughter to be discovered by society so quickly.

    Regardless of PTSD or whatever, if a person is willing to be a "non-social person" and this behavior doesn't hurt others, then please respect his choice....

  • Mireille 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    It's beautiful, helpless, and utopian

    Nowadays, you can only watch films from the film festival. This Saint Denis film did not disappoint, but I don’t know if the film festival will be able to continue as the film festival becomes more and more popular.

    After watching the movie, I discussed with Mr. Yi what the focus of this movie is....

  • Dwight 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    To outsiders, kindness is cruel.

    The actor I like is very good at acting, but his reputation is always tepid, which is really a worrying thing. Ben Foster is such a person.

    When I learned that he collaborated with director Debra Granick on "Leave No Trace", I was thinking: It's probably another movie of "bitterness and hatred"....

  • Johnnie 2022-04-20 09:02:04

    People who have really lived in the countryside are not uncommon in the fields and forests

    Maybe some people are tired of living in the city and yearn for a life without people in the countryside and mountains, but those who really live in the countryside and mountains often have a heart to look outside. It's like traveling, going from a place you're tired of to places you're tired....
