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Last Flag Flying Reviews

  • Keshaun 2022-12-23 18:12:50

    American-style family ethics film with war reflection theme

    I watched this film after watching The Shape of Water, and I felt a lot more comfortable overall. The veteran who lost his child brought his old comrade to escort the body of the child home. It is a relatively heavy subject, but it was spent in memories, discussions, and arguments. , pastor, old...

  • Demond 2022-11-27 01:51:00

    The flag is the symbol of the soldier

    Escort Chance for the Fallen Leaves. Vietnam War veteran Sheppel has rediscovered his old comrades from thirty years ago, Sal and Richard, and wants them to help escort the remains of their son who died in Iraq back home for burial. In this way, the war fragments that have been buried for decades...

  • Velda 2022-09-05 22:58:34

    The last flag waving

    There are three old guys who find themselves being played badly by the United States. Their fathers were the heroes of World War II that people admired. They longed for the same opportunity to prove themselves. However, out of the miasma-filled jungles of Vietnam, they could not bring back any...

  • Sydnie 2022-09-05 22:13:56

    A story about salvage

    We need our salvage. Alcohol, tobacco, charity, religion, anything you do either for redemption, or simply for a moment of peaceful mind. We need someone to come along with, to whom, once in a while, you make a confession for those shameful things you have ever done, then go back home continue your...

  • Anya 2022-09-05 21:08:27

    American-style family ethics film with war reflection theme

    I watched this film after watching The Shape of Water, and I felt a lot more comfortable overall. The veteran who lost his child brought his old comrade to escort the body of the child home. It is a relatively heavy subject, but it was spent in memories, discussions, and arguments. , pastor, old...

  • Eleanora 2022-09-05 20:49:45

    Three old comrades in one play

    The story of the funeral of three retired veterans.

  • Amani 2022-09-05 17:57:25

    It tells about life and analyzes human nature

    Linklater's films are relatively slow rhythms, so a very depressing anti-war film still doesn't feel too much sadness, but the seemingly bland narrative has a lot to think about. The three experienced wars, Those who have experienced pain have to relive the past 30 years later, especially Larry,...