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Kung Fu Yoga Reviews

  • Maddison 2022-11-07 23:01:21

    The topic is clear, but the expression is awkward

    > Note: Do not write in order from front to back, just write it down when you have just finished reading it.

    1. In the last incident, at the end of Jackie Chan's fight in the temple made of gold, he said to the effect that the culture here belongs to the whole world and so on, a group of people...

  • 2022-11-05 21:41:11

    Combination of arcade clearance + tomb robbery treasure hunt + strange zoo + Jackie Chan martial arts

    Jackie Chan's films have always been at a good level, and the box office results are generally satisfactory. And from the beginning of the zodiac, Jackie Chan's films have changed the previous main creation and story mode, and began to use a large number of new-generation actors.

    That's how the...

  • Cletus 2022-11-05 21:40:30


    Cherish life and stay away from the Lunar New Year stalls have been personally verified to prove that this is a truth. Even the biggest names are not exempt from the custom. It is really embarrassing to find fresh meat to increase popularity and popularity. When you talk to Indians, you use English...

  • Bulah 2022-11-02 00:14:28

    Lots of bugs but worth watching

    In China, it is said to be an action and a funny theme. In fact, it should be more of an adventure theme.

    Adventure stories have always been fascinating subjects. A huge historical background, relics, treasures, puzzle solving, "teamwork", cute villains, fights, beauty and love and other common...

  • Enrico 2022-11-01 16:46:37


    My family Er Duo and I asked for the couples section, and sure enough, it was all girls. I was a little panicked in the first few minutes of the scene. I thought I was on the wrong set for that kind of scene. It became a riot in Tianzhu (in other words, why are there so many Chinese New Year movies...

  • Leonard 2022-10-31 16:39:16

    It's not easy for Jackie Chan to grow old

    In the slaughter of the Lunar New Year, Kung Fu Yoga survived. By the time I wrote this small article, the film had already topped the box office chart, and Jackie Chan came back with his own movie.        Some time ago, Jackie Chan won the Oscar, although not in the high-profile awards show, but...

  • Nelle 2022-10-28 21:45:12

    I didn't fall in love with the princess, bad review

    1. At the beginning of the movie "Wang Xuance", I thought it was a companion piece to "Myth" ~ the director is also Tang Jili ~

    2. When the female doctor appeared, there was a portrait of Yu Shu on the wall

  • Hermina 2022-10-27 21:46:02

    Author: Qi Lianghu

    These old directors and old actors feel that they have become famous and are getting old, so they start to play movies one after another, even if they play by themselves, and bring a large number of young actors with them. Even so, the reputation they have accumulated over the years is enough for...

  • Deonte 2022-10-27 18:25:47

    "Kung Fu Yoga" reproduces Long's humor, brother, you are the immortal myth!

    Many people's growth is accompanied by the movie of a kung fu superstar, he is Jackie Chan. I have to admit that although I also watched Jackie Chan's movies when I was a child, it didn't reach the level that I couldn't put it down. In the past, my favorite movies were Jet Li's movies, such as...

  • Thaddeus 2022-10-24 03:17:26

    movie background

    Based on the story of Wang Xuance, who "destroyed a country by one person" in the Tang Dynasty

    Background of the movie story: In 647 AD, the leader of the elephant army of the "Magadha Kingdom" in Tianzhu, "Alonashun", sought to usurp the throne and established himself as king. When Wang Xuance was...