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Knife in the Water Reviews

  • Jacklyn 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Written on September 6, 2020, revised on July 24, 2021

    7.0 points.

    This film seems to be Polanski’s debut feature film, and it won the Oscar nomination for best foreign language film. It is really powerful. Polanski was only 29 years old when it was screened, which means that he had already started shooting at 27 or 28 or at least. It's time to create.

  • Mittie 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Professor NASTA Dominique's "Knife in the Water" lecture notes

    Several basic concepts about Polanski:

    1) Second modernity (Seconde modernité): "Knife in the Water" is considered to be the progress of the second modernity film in the abstract genre of Western Europe.

    2) Poland's general environment: Due to the thawing of diplomatic relations, the film school in...

  • Nelda 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    To make a record of memories

    The politics of the relationship between three people in a limited space. The subsequent "Immoral Approval" and "Venus in Fur" are in the same line, but they are not particularly appetizing to me. There are too many technical things like symbols, a film that requires thinking but cannot be...

  • Verda 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    "Sword in the Water": an intruder, an unnamed state

    Original address:

    On the crossing road, there was a parked car, 10 kilometers away from the town with a police station; the car was a couple who had not made a decision. After he finished telling the story of the captain, it seemed that there was no more...

  • Josianne 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Provocation, confrontation and desire

    No one has spent his whole life practicing the romance, blood, loneliness and cruelty of art like Roman Polanski. When we were 27, what were we thinking? Sitting at the desk, seriously considering the failed youth and the lost love, then go home and flirt with strangers on the Internet...

  • Jana 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Water knife

    In the water knife , bad blue-eyed Jewish director Roman Polanski’s debut work "Water Knife" tells such a weird and thought-provoking story. A middle-class couple met a poor boy backpacker on a weekend sailing vacation. They were inexplicable. Yes, the host invited the poor boy on the boat to...

  • Keith 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Sexual tension at its best

    A thesis on Manhood and, perhaps, its perception by the other half of the population. Is it an Apologia for masculinity, or an Elegy? No matter what you think it is, you may agree that the film is also about the transient, subtle chemistry between people in close proximity: how awkwardness turns...

  • Antwon 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Enter the room

    Polanski's human insight and ability to create dramatic conflicts in a single space through very few characters in his debut work is amazing. Later, "Immoral Trial", "Killing" and "Venus in Fur" performed this skill to the extreme.

    A middle-class couple. The husband is middle-aged and the wife is...

  • Wiley 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Water knife

    "Knife in the Water"

    1. A single scene plus three people will make a good movie.

  • Eddie 2022-01-10 08:02:43

    Venice Film Festival Series The Visible Knife and the Invisible Way "The Knife in the Water"

    Polanski, a survivor of a Jewish concentration camp, a re-educated child in the Iron Curtain, and a wanted man in the US government, after all these titles, he established his own position in the film industry with his own strength. His films are always watching. The human soul, after its...