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Knife in the Water Reviews

  • Stella 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    water knife

    - Roman Polanski

    Some people say that Roman Polanski's films are always filled with bone-chilling coldness and loneliness. His miserable childhood destroyed the original purity and innocence of this world. Some people say that his films are full of obscurity and pessimism. His unique Jewish...

  • Lacey 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    Knife in the Water: Tragic Comedy Fallacy

    Life is inseparable from errors, and perhaps the most essential essence of life lies in the tragicomic errors themselves.

    Men, women, boys, their hooks and gallops on the lake all have the meaning of disputes. Compared with the middle-class couple, the boy is weak at first, but there is a bit of...

  • Birdie 2022-03-24 09:03:02

    a life scumbag

    Couples are disgusted and dissatisfied with each other after their feelings react under the influence of time. Men are pretentious and women are ignorant. This should be the impression of each other. Amidst the lively emotional factor of the crash full of cars, the young man accidentally inserts.... 

  • Ericka 2022-03-24 09:03:02

    after watching

    The entire film has only three actors, a middle-class couple in their early thirties, and a young man. A middle-class couple met a young man while driving, so they boarded a small sailboat together. The youth is a punk who is always on the road, but why does the husband invite him to participate in...

  • Neil 2022-03-24 09:03:02

    water knife

    Roman Polanski's first full-length narrative is hard to imagine a debut in terms of technical and mastery sophistication. The story tells the story of a middle-aged couple and a young man on a private boat. The middle-aged man has a strong desire for control, revealing his own boredom and ego,...

  • Brandy 2022-03-23 09:02:48

    What shocked me so much?

    After watching this film, it's hard to describe the mood, and I feel a sense of shock. I say this because I don't know how he can be so attractive, but he did it, it's really great. I don't want to read those nonsense and obscure comments, I just want to know how the director achieves this effect....

  • Lisa 2022-03-23 09:02:48

    Artists are also "social people"

    I watched this movie on a cloudy, bleak afternoon. You know, this is by no means a wonderful life experience. But the film may also be well-suited to watching in this depressing atmosphere.  The beautiful sea, the well-built actors and actresses, and the Jazz that seems to emerge from the ground...

  • Makenna 2022-03-23 09:02:48

    A drowning knife

    Like Jean Vigo's L'Atalante, the key scene of the story is a boat, few performers experienced a episode of their life on it, both film seeks to express its thoughts about marriage and go to different wharf. In the former one, which begins with a wedding ceremony of the captain, the whole atmosphere...

  • Alfonso 2022-03-22 09:02:28

    A film review written ten years ago

    The appearance of genius is always astonishing, and the tricks and moves that are born out of the sky seem to be casual, but they are beyond the reach of many mediocre people in their entire lives. From this point of view, art is really a devil: it ignores the order of old and young, and there are...

  • Fidel 2022-03-22 09:02:28

    Knife in water or knife

    The film starts off with a sense of unease, and the whole plot takes place in a kind of skirmish. Thinking about the man was a bit of Hemingway. Probably because the story mainly takes place on the ship. In fact, I found out early in the morning that this young man and this elder sister were in...

Knife in the Water

Director: Roman Polanski

Language: Polish Release date: October 28, 1963