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King of California Reviews

  • Annetta 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    King of California

    Charlie was finally allowed to leave the hospital after two years of convalescence in the Santa Clara Behavioral Health Center. In two years, Charlie's spirit became normal, but he became obsessed with a number of ancient Spanish treasures and dragged his daughter Miranda into the water. In the...

  • Amos 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    California Gold Rush

    The life of a patient with a bipolar disorder is like an ocean of unpredictable changes. For a while it is joyful and sunny, and for a while it is dark, manic and stormy. They are full of hope for the world. They want to dig out treasures based on ancient maps. They are full of despair about the...

  • Nicola 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    "If you study those great men in history, you will find that their fathers are all bastards."

    "If you study those great men in history, you will find that their fathers are bastards. Now I understand that everything I have done in this life is laying the foundation for you." He spent his life in pursuit The answer that you believe in confirms the history that no one believes in. He...

  • Wilfred 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    Why is it called KING?

    Charlie is a person who lives outside the modern social system. Freedom is the real freedom, the freedom of the unity of form and spirit, which is close to the freedom of primitive humans. People like him have no historical limitations. They can live like this through any age because his energy is...

  • Allan 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    That movie is called "King of California"

    I have written this article many times, but I have not been able to write it well, I have deleted it and deleted it, and I am still not satisfied. So be it.     I hope you can all watch this movie. This is the only one I have watched carefully twice in a row and watched it again.     My mother...

  • Alessia 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    Father's love, dishwasher, hope machine

    The movie answered: What should fatherly love look like? What should the father-daughter relationship look like? Even if her father is a lunatic. Father, the word represents strength: persistence or even paranoia, a kind of self-confidence, a kind of self-righteousness, a kind of thing that I have...

  • Ivory 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    What is a dream anyway?

    A madman, her daughter of a normal person, and an old friend who was half-crazy and half-crazy, the three of them made the craziest and most exciting California expedition in the world. What is California? What is a dream? What is the goal of life? We came from the womb, but where are we going? The...

  • Lewis 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    "King of California"

    I watched the high-scoring movie "The King of California" yesterday, which tells the story of a pair of poor father and daughter Charlie (Michael Douglas) and Miranda (Evan Rachel Wood) in California. The story is a kind of warm comedy. #### Story     The family's life has long been in the middle...

  • Ruthe 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    Re-understanding mental illness

    Watching the entire movie, the passionate, crazy-headed and talented father in the movie reminds me of two people in the country where I live who are regarded as mentally ill. One is a colleague of my dad, who is also related to my family. I call him uncle. When a person reached middle age, he...

  • Christelle 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    4 charlie dreams

    Charlie may act crazy, but he is not crazy. Everyone has their own success or ideals that they want to pursue. Everyone has to rely on "talent" and "effort" to achieve it. People have their own uniqueness Talent or natural wealth, but the most important thing is persistence.  In this system of...