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King of California Reviews

  • Kaylah 2022-03-23 09:02:54

    king of california

    American movies like to use the experiences and emotional worlds of small people to express their patriotism, and the same is true of "King of California". Set in California, the film tells a darkly humorous father-daughter relationship. The film is humorous because the director uses exaggerated...

  • Guillermo 2022-03-22 09:02:32

    I will also talk about it. . . The king of california

    On this very special day, let me talk about this movie, and try to finish the full text in 30 minutes, if not disturbed. Well, no gossip, life is short. I watched this film yesterday. My son has a fever, and my wife measures the child's temperature within an hour. While watching, I input the...

  • Evans 2022-03-22 09:02:32

    You can dream, but there is no need for others to be dragged down by you

    very good movie! Not only is it as simple as inspiration, the protagonist's realization of his dreams can certainly encourage many people who are chasing their dreams, but the most important point is that on the way of chasing your dreams, there are actually many, many people around you who...

  • Lysanne 2022-03-22 09:02:32

    I'm crazy and I'm proud!

    In November, the temperature dropped sharply, with heavy snow in the north and heavy rain in the south. The H1N1 flu, which had been going on for a long time, made us more careful to keep our distance from the crowd. Just after the beginning of winter, the sky once again presents a total solar...

  • Marley 2022-03-22 09:02:32

    Who does not have a little paranoid ideals.

    Michael Douglas - a crazy funny odd man. From initially watching a mentally ill old man, he began to doubt whether the legend of Spain really exists, until he saw that he insisted on leaving his daughter and jumped down the hole. Sometimes I think it's good to be a paranoid person. Just let them...

  • Dane 2022-03-22 09:02:32


    It's quite a warm movie, although I'm confused at the front. What charlie is looking for is not treasure, but loneliness. . . It seems that a person who has not recovered from mental illness is actually thinking about rebuilding his relationship with his daughter through seemingly insane...

  • Elissa 2022-03-21 09:02:52

    Watch King of California

    The look of Mike Douglas on the poster caught my eye. This Robinson-like look easily reminds us of Tom Hanks in "Remaining Island". Based on the poster, I can basically confirm that this will be my favorite movie. Sure enough, the movie is very comfortable from the beginning. Although the structure...

  • Alfonso 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    King of California: where the Chinese dream and the Spanish dream are intertwined

    "King of California" is a pretty good-looking film, but it also moved people because of its sad and bright ending. Michael Douglas once again contributed a wonderful performance, but also contributed a touching story of father and daughter.  California is the most economically developed and most...

  • Kacey 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    Give up what you insist on. . .

    In fact, I have been thinking recently whether I am insisting on what I shouldn’t insist on but giving up many things that I should n’t give up . It’s really simple to say, but how many people can really distinguish these things?  Looking at the cover, you can know the fantasy color of this movie....A

  • Jessika 2022-01-14 08:01:31

    Crazy, just one reason

    From time to time, we all believe in crazy things, just for a certain reason. In the afternoon when I was sick at home, I was forced to endure dizziness, nausea, nasal congestion, sore limbs and other symptoms. After watching this movie, king of california, it is rare. I like this movie and Evan,...