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Judy Reviews

  • Kelli 2022-12-29 13:54:12


    The most touching part of the movie is the epilogue. Judy finally won a farewell performance and tried her best to project all her emotions into the singing. She is the goddess of the singing world, and her moving and sincere singing once again captured the audience. Finally, she sang one of her...

  • Hilma 2022-12-28 10:35:16

    They burn themselves into light

    If it is said that people have both internal and external, entertainer is one of the professions that needs to burn the inner discipline and courage to the outside, whether it is the era of entertainment or not, it is a tragicomedy, documentary or dream film that gives people happiness and...

  • Garnet 2022-12-27 11:54:11

    Love, Judy

    "I'm so lonely. I want someone to love me. " Although she didn't say it, her eyes, her every move seemed to express her desire for love and her loneliness.

    It's true that people love "Judy", but no one ever loved the real Judy. Person they love is just some girl who has a beautiful voice, who sing...

  • Cleora 2022-12-26 18:15:09

    And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true

    What moved me the most was that at the end of the film, Judy sang a song about dreams. At the end, tears choked her throat. She couldn't sing any more, but the audience stood up and sang for her one by one. This should be the moment when her dream came true. She really felt the audience's love for...

  • Jamey 2022-12-25 10:11:10


    "Judy" is a good movie to cry. Sad and thoughtful. The life of actress Judy Garland. Reminds me of Pauline Chen and Marilyn Monroe. Manipulated and betrayed by brokers or close relatives, as a cash cow, before they grow up, they are pushed into the Shura field. He also spends his whole life looking...

  • Nikolas 2022-12-23 08:36:08

    We promise.


    In fact, it is quite similar to "Rocketman". Elton and Judy are both love-deficient people. Even when they are old, they are like children. One is harmed by family environment, sexual discrimination and goddamn agents, and the other is made by Hollywood stars. , consumerism and the damned...

  • Lorna 2022-12-23 02:54:32

    The script is very weak, the heroine Renee Zellweger's acting skills can turn the tide, and it is worthy of the Oscar-winning actress

    Judy Garland, a child star who was extremely repressed under the Hollywood studio system, had an unhealthy diet and depended on drugs to sleep, causing mental pain, and she spent her life making up for the pain of childhood. In middle age, her reputation plummeted because of her mental problems and...

  • Rahsaan 2022-12-20 19:24:00

    She finally ate the cake she had never been able to eat

    I haven't watched a movie so much in a long time. Judy is really a very attractive person. She has met people many times, but she still believes in love. When she loves someone, she loves with all her heart, regardless of the consequences, but she is so resolute when leaving without a trace of...

  • Derrick 2022-12-18 17:31:13

    Movie "Judy" Hey Jude

    When I saw the name of this movie, it reminded me of a song "Hey Jude" by the Beatles. It's a very nice song and I recommend it to everyone. The film "Judy" won the 92nd Academy Award for Best Actress, directed by Rupert Gould and starring Renee Zellweger in a musical biopic. The film mainly...

  • Max 2022-12-17 20:21:12

    Judy movie review

    The script of "Judy" is relatively bland and not very brilliant, but the superb performance of the heroine Renee Zellweger adds a lot to the film. Judy is a typical "Tortured Artist". Being trained to be a big star since childhood, you can't eat a bite of cake, you can't sleep for a while, and you...


Director: Rupert Goold

Language: English Release date: October 4, 2019

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