Jaclyn 2022-04-24 07:01:02
unity is strength
The clown returned to his soul, from the beginning to the end, he has been like an old mother in front of the computer reminding several babies not to separate, not to separate, but fortunately the screenwriter did not live up to expectations and did not let them have an accident.
Brenna 2022-04-24 07:01:02
Mixed with elements of traditional American horror films
The positioning of the movie is a horror movie - the theme is to overcome inner fear, unity is strength - is this for children? ? ?
The first half of the plot is boring. This kind of surreal plot is not as scary as the domestic ghost film. There are also many loopholes in the scary plot. If you know...
Lelah 2022-04-24 07:01:02
What scares us the most is fear itself
I don't know Stephen King very well. I searched for his information before and found out that the classic films such as "Carrie", "The Shining" and "The Shawshank Redemption" are all his works. I personally think he It is very good at wrapping some human truths in the coat of horror stories. It is...
Justen 2022-04-24 07:01:02
Poor little fat
After reading it, I feel that the fat is so pitiful (-ι_-)
This film is actually quite interesting, not scary. It educates children to be united and friendly, overcome fear, or they will be captured by Uncle Clown
The heroine Marsh was rumored to be Bichi in the small town, and was not welcomed by...
Elenora 2022-04-24 07:01:02
So American! Although it is a child's paper, it is full of foul language and dirty jokes. This is very Jin's style. I remember that I was accompanied by a child's paper full of foul language and dirty jokes~ Although after more than two hours, I still feel unsatisfied. Yellow raincoat, red balloon,...
Daphney 2022-04-24 07:01:02
# Electro-optic phantom# "The Clown Returns to the Soul", crying in the night dream, piercing the sky with sound, sending love to hell to summon the soul.
# Electro-optic phantom# "The Clown Returns to the Soul", crying in the night dream, piercing the sky with sound, sending love to hell to summon the soul.
It is almost the opposite of the expected sense of story, so it is not too pleasant to see the feeling behind. In my impression, the old version...
Ericka 2022-04-23 07:01:05
"IT"---What's so good about this film?
Originally it automatically filters horror movies, but for Stephen King's name, I still have to watch it
Madisyn 2022-04-23 07:01:05
Skinny Eddie and his mother
Micro spoilers.
The film was terrifying from the very beginning. The little boy George unfortunately encountered the big Boos and disappeared, so strange things happened frequently, the atmosphere gradually became tense, and the special effects and sound effects were also very appropriate, which...
Ike 2022-04-23 07:01:05
"The Clown's Soul" is a movie that makes people's eyes shine at the beginning. It is the most enjoyable horror movie I have watched this year. Every protagonist has touched the "switch" of the clown because of a certain word. People are connected by various coincidences. The picture of everyone...
Aimee 2022-04-23 07:01:05
fear comes from within
The clown represents the fear in the hearts of children. If you don't fear it, it can't hurt you. Children can only defeat the enemy if they are united. But is it no longer there? Will the Joker come back 37 years after they left? There are also many phenomena worth thinking about in the film, such...
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