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Invisible Life Reviews

  • Therese 2022-04-21 09:03:28


    It took me a while to find this film, I didn't expect much, but I was shocked

    As a woman, whoever does not desire an ideal and happy life, who does not desire to have a husband and family who can rely on heart-to-heart, who does not desire that any decision he makes can be supported by his parents....

  • Fernando 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    A failed elopement, a cross-century regret

    "I say to you: You are so beautiful in this dress.

    I should have let you take the scissors and cut that horrible green dress to pieces,

  • Shanna 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    unfocused women

    First of all, the name of the movie "The Invisible Woman" has deep meanings. First, it means that the sister and sister are out of touch, and the two cannot see each other. The second means that the father of the two sisters ignores the pregnant sister who eloped, and the husband of the sister...

  • Golda 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    Feminism should not become a creed that is advertised

    As far as the movie is concerned, the rhythm is neither rushed nor slow, and the colors also have obvious South American style, which is a good movie. However, here I want to talk about the topic of feminism that everyone is hotly discussing. I insist that men and women are of course equal, but as...

  • Rahsaan 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    rough, painful

    The Invisible Woman's Hong Kong and Taiwan translations are relatively straightforward, and they all put the sisters in the title. Although there is no suspense, it has less flavor. The main poster is also anxious and very straightforward, for fear that others will not understand the plot. Probably...

  • Nicole 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    Must be understood from the female theme

    The Brazilian film "Invisible Woman" must be understood in terms of female themes. On the surface, it was an inadvertent elopement that changed the fate of the girls, but in essence, it was the male power that savagely and brutally ruined the lives of the two sisters. The story is shrouded...

  • Shanon 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    The sad past of ordinary sisters

    There are many movies that describe the stories between sisters, but Brazil's "Invisible Woman" has a good overall feel, telling the sad life story of a pair of ordinary sisters.

    The picture quality of the film is very good, with a strong South American style. The actors' performances...

  • Fatima 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    I've been faking an orgasm

    This is undoubtedly a feminist film, and there are many flaws in the technique. What about the technique? There must also be a question mark behind it.

    The female characters smoke cigarettes recklessly; every male character in the whole film, including the father, is a scumbag; almost...

  • Kurt 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    It's more miserable to tickle and miss in laziness.

    Seriously female-oriented film, the color contrast is badly used, colorful, and a garish feeling of red and green bullshit. The rhythm is lazy, and there is a petty bourgeoisie in poverty. As for the plot, the entanglement of a pair of sisters can only be said to be nothing but a scratch on the...

  • Ibrahim 2022-04-21 09:03:28

    Sisters walk together for a lifetime, who will break up who is the dog

    The rating is a bit inflated, friends who want to watch remember to come and tease

    The last time I watched a Brazilian movie, it was "City of God" which gave me a great shock.

    "City of God" has many perspectives, and the plot is ups and downs, but it has a smooth feeling like a machine gun pouring...