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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Reviews

  • Una 2022-03-21 09:01:10

    The third act is exceptional

    The ending drama is very exciting. It broke through the simple fighting in the past. The three organs related to religion are ingeniously designed, and there are also the old knights who have lived for 700 years in the past. And the real holy grail is actually very simple and so on.

    In contrast, the...

  • Zella 2022-03-21 09:01:10

    I gave a lesson to the so-called big production in China, which is now all kinds of special effects.

    I like the third act of this movie the most. Very fascinating: 1. The protagonist was forced to get the Holy Grail because he severely injured his father. 2. There are no special effects in the three levels related to religion. But it was exciting and fascinating. 3. Choose the cup among the many...

  • Mckenna 2022-03-21 09:01:10

    That adventurous dream in childhood

    When I watched the Raiders of the Lost Ark series before, there were a few scenes that left my deepest impression. One is in the first episode of The Ark of the Ark. When the Ark was opened at the end, a terrifying voice sounded, and black ghostly smoke flew out, taking away the souls of the...

  • Major 2022-03-21 09:01:10

    Father and Son Treasure Hunt

    This is the favorite one in the Raiders of the Lost Ark series. The plot is compact and logical, and the intense treasure hunting process is perfectly integrated with the funny and ingenious design. The characters are vividly portrayed and the lines are witty and humorous, which is very exciting!...

  • Alivia 2022-03-21 09:01:10

    Those essential elements of classic commercial films

    Some elements of classic commercial films are essential.

    For example, the chase scenes. It can be said that the film is basically connected by the chase scenes. The reason why the treasure hunt series is so popular with the public may fit the audience's retro mentality on the one hand, and...

  • Keenan 2022-03-20 09:01:09

    "Indiana Jones 3" is indeed a model for entertainment

    Before watching the film, in fact, the concept of the work with the theme of "Treasure Hunting" is still very vague. Because before, whether it was watching Taiji or Xunlong Jue. I feel that the structure is not very clear. But after watching Raiders of the Lost Ark 3 a few days ago, I found that...

  • Orland 2022-03-20 09:01:09

    2015/1/29 21:28:30

    The Treasure Hunting series, always adventurous. It is difficult to write something profound. Inherited the style of the first two parts, and reached the pinnacle of the Treasure Collection in the third part. It's a big scene, and there are almost no small adventures: aside from the disgusting rats...

  • Kristina 2022-03-20 09:01:09

    That adventurous dream in childhood

    When I watched the Raiders of the Lost Ark series before, there were a few scenes that left my deepest impression. One is in the first episode of The Ark of the Ark. When the Ark was opened at the end, a terrifying voice sounded, and black ghostly smoke flew out, taking away the souls of the...

  • Henderson 2022-03-20 09:01:09

    Dad, you drink first?

    Jones' father was wounded by a gunshot, and he can only be saved by drinking the Holy Grail. However, only one of the more than a dozen holy grails is true, and he died immediately after drinking the water from the fake holy grail. Jones yelled, "There is only one way to confirm," while taking a...

  • Daphney 2022-03-20 09:01:09

    Does no one understand the subject of metaphor?

    The father-son rivalry throughout the film is actually foreshadowing, when the Holy Grail shows miracles, the theme of the film reveals its true colors. The so-called enchantment of the Holy Grail is a metaphor for the balance of positive and negative energies created by the father/mother in the...