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Incendies Reviews

  • Olen 2022-04-22 07:01:18


    The brothers and sisters of the dragon and phoenix received their mother's will, found their brother and father, and handed over two letters to each other.

    The content involves religion, love, family, and politics. Looking at it silently, it really seems like a little bit, and the answer is not as...

  • Dillon 2022-04-22 07:01:18

    scorched earth city

    "Scorched Earth" is another directorial debut, and the director's name may not be remembered, but speaking of his other two "enemy" and "prisoner" is not too little known. When I saw it was about to end, I always thought it was a root-seeking movie about the pursuit of the suffering past. It was...

  • Keven 2022-04-22 07:01:18

    from start to finish

    1+1=1 They have been searching, and finally found out that after knowing the truth of some things, it is a rebirth. After watching this movie, a sour feeling rushed into my nose but stopped at my chin, leaving the aftermath topping my head and feeling stuffy. I can't use my current words to...

  • Katheryn 2022-04-22 07:01:18

    scorched earth city

    A movie recommended by a friend, I finally enjoyed it... (I always procrastinate in doing things) Although it is not as unexpected as the ending as my friend said, as the story progresses step by step, I can always guess the next step The answer to this story is so "reasonable" that this episode is...

  • Jacklyn 2022-04-22 07:01:18

    Under the war, no one can help

    Although the director did not specify where the story takes place in the film, it can be seen from every detail that "Scorched Earth" is literally a history of the Lebanese civil war (1975-1990) (although the filming took place in Jordan ). What makes Dennis convincing isn't just telling a story...

  • Peggie 2022-04-22 07:01:18

    Tragedy, utter tragedy.

    1+1=1 They have been searching, and finally found out that after knowing the truth of some things, it is a rebirth. After watching this movie, a sour feeling rushed into my nose but stopped at my chin, leaving the aftermath topping my head and feeling stuffy. I can't use my current words to...

  • Marcelle 2022-04-21 09:01:56

    tell you a secret

    This movie was recommended by a friend. I heard that it is about war, human nature, and there are plots of prisoner abuse. But after watching it, it is fortunate that there is no naked bloody scene as imagined.

    After watching the movie, it just feels as if someone came here mysteriously and wanted...

  • Vickie 2022-04-21 09:01:56

    Virtual Reality

    It was very tangled before the end of Scorched Earth. Obviously it is a very realistic background, but it doesn't match the number. Thanks to those opponents of the national football team, the flags of Middle Eastern countries still know something. But even if the national flag that appears twice...

  • Benny 2022-04-21 09:01:56

    unrecognizable pain

    Until the very last moment, when the truth was revealed, the shocking impact of the film seemed to have just begun, and then everything else had to be paused for a while to absorb the shock.

    The film begins when the mother dies and the client reads his will to the two grown-up twins. In...

  • Pierce 2022-04-21 09:01:56

    The love left in the scorched earth

    One of the best movies of 2017.

    Villeneuve can always use extremely calm shots to set off a shock wave in my heart bit by bit. As a relatively young director in Hollywood, Villeneuve should be a great potential film master in the 21st century. Whether it's science fiction, magic or...


Director: Denis Villeneuve

Language: French,Arabic,English Release date: January 12, 2011