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Incendies Reviews

  • Jacklyn 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Three stories

    "Scorched Earth City" personal film essays, after watching the non-decent film critics, sitting on the sofa for a long time can not be calm, because this story is really confusing, I think the reason for this feeling, a large part of the reason is the director The shooting technique is very...

  • Lloyd 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    [Film Review] Polytechnique (2009) and Incendies (2010)

    Denis Villeneuve, at this stage, can be sufficiently estimated as one of the most distinguished and visionary commercial directors of our era, so let us dive into his two earlier Canadian outputs, which have legitimately put his name on the map.

    POLYTECHNIQUE is his third feature, a black-and-white...

  • Brandy 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    The Greek tragedy in the Middle East

    Watching time: September 14, 2010 7pm Watching location: AMC Forum Theater 13th Hall Incident: Incendies ahead of the premiere attendance: 80% of wars and conflicts caused by religion always seem particularly cruel, if you add more politics and revenge , Things will be more complicated. At...

  • Anabel 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    After being a father, the tears seem to decrease significantly

    I have watched some movies of this kind of time-space change before. The most recent one seems to be "Burning Plain". The continuous flashback of clips has now become a feature of a genre, but I still watch a bit tired and just started watching a movie. , I just want to know where the...

  • Fernando 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Dust of Destiny on the Scorched Earth

      In contrast to the general anti-war movies that are usually used to a large number of brutal massacres, bloodshed and death, the Scorched Earth City has always been around family love to find roots, to start wars and struggles between religions, which have brought profound effects to...

  • Keely 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    #影评# The pain that I said has been calmed down, and it touches the bottom of my heart without mentioning it.

    【By Zhou Ting form FunYS】

    "Would you think, if a little change occurred in a certain part of your life, would you be a different person now?"

    The most direct feeling after watching "Scorched Earth City" is chaos. This chaos does not come from the narrative techniques of the movie, but some...

  • Emmanuel 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Just sort out the timeline of several major events. This is also the shortcoming of the movie.

    Let me talk about the shortcomings of the movie first, it lies in the makeup of two important actors Nawal (female lead) and Nihad/Abu Tariq. The time span of these two people's appearances is actually very large, but the appearance of them has not changed much, resulting in serious dramas.


  • Claud 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Mother's power

    Without knowing the plot before watching it, I happened to watch this movie on Mother's Day. Although it was the fourth time in a week, I still called my mother after watching it. Just write and write casually. The story is full of tension. As the plot deepens, the suspense is revealed...

  • Thurman 2021-11-28 08:01:20

    Death is by no means the end of the story, there is truth behind the truth

    Suffering from insomnia in the middle of the night, I got up and watched "Scorched Earth", a movie suitable for quietly watching alone in the middle of the night. When I saw half of it, or even more than half, I thought it was a movie about religion and war. Until the end of the movie, I learned...


Director: Denis Villeneuve

Language: French,Arabic,English Release date: January 12, 2011