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In the Valley of Elah Reviews

  • Abdullah 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    There were days when I was so sorry but couldn't talk about it


    American anti-war films are so dull, from the music to the pictures to the theme of the whole film, it always makes people feel breathless.

    Since then, it seems that no corner can be placed in the heart that has been floating for a long time in the era of freedom and peace. We tried to look up...

  • Rico 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Shit world, all fucked up.

    Battle in the Valley of Elah

    It's perfect, the suspense is hung up a little bit, and the theme is deep enough, and the demonstration is powerful. Shit world, all fucked up. Like animals, hunger, violence, impulsiveness, bondage, venting. Reflection on war distorts human nature. hand over a child to...

  • Ignatius 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Anti-war and courage

    Essentially an anti-war and patriotic film wrapped in the shell of criminal suspense, it's very moving, especially good. The story tells the story of a father and a female police detective working together to investigate the murder of his father's son, a soldier who had just returned from Iraq.


  • Rowland 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    hero disillusionment

    A good, thought-provoking film with the heroic father acting impeccably.

    The old patriotic hero sent both sons to the battlefield. The eldest son died in a helicopter crash. The youngest son, Mike, survived the Iraq war, but died under the knife of his comrades after returning to China. The heroic...

  • Vella 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Neither side of the war has ever won

    "Why did David deal with the giant Goliath when he was just a kid"

    An anti-war film, more precisely an anti-Iraq war film.

    In the film, the process of dealing with the father's attempt to find out the truth about Mike's murder is complicated and confusing, and at the moment when the truth is...

  • Francisca 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Army life sucks. This movie shows you why.

    I'm not really a big fan of dramas, or war movies, especially ones that portray soldiers fighting and the life in the army. I was in the army for a while, and I HATED it. So I guess that's why I like this movie - at least one of the reasons. This movie shows just how terrible army life is, and why...

  • Alessandra 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Battle in the Valley of Elah

    It's really good, I want to give 9 points, but I can't give it. At the beginning, I felt a little bit like a certain movie. The retired agent father made another move to rescue his children. It seems to be called "Rescue of the Earth"? I read inspired by actual events at the beginning, through the...

  • Janick 2022-03-25 09:01:11

    Battle in the Valley of Elah

    It's really good, I want to give 9 points, but I can't give it. At the beginning, I felt a little bit like a certain movie. The retired agent father made another move to rescue his children. It seems to be called "Rescue of the Earth"? I read inspired by actual events at the beginning, through the...

  • Viviane 2022-03-24 09:02:25

    literary war film

    Pretty dull movie, but it grabbed me. It may have been the gritty and decisive father who attracted me. Another aspect shows the pain the war brought to the victorious soldiers and their families. No gunfire, no killing scenes, but it shows in our hearts how war has transformed people and hearts....f

  • Mason 2022-03-23 09:02:23


    "The Battle of Elah Valley" was watched in a heavy mood. The father played by Tommy Lee Jones made this movie a lot more colorful. He was unsmiling, but often brought us surprises. The female police officer played by Charles Theron is also eye-catching. It turns out that she can be so sensual when...