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Imperium Reviews

  • Rubie 2022-08-05 16:44:38

    A heavy movie

    Heavy racist speech can form a bridge to the unknown. ——Adolf Hitler This film shows three different interest groups in extremist organizations. The first is the "skinhead". These people are impulsive and irritable, forming cliques all day long to disrupt law and order. In the words of the film,...

  • Celestine 2022-08-05 12:15:16

    In the face of doubt, he can always resolve in an awkward way

    The plot of the film is blunt and old-fashioned. Every time Harry Potter resolves the suspicions of bad guys, I always feel particularly blunt. I especially wonder if the terrorists are mentally retarded, so why leave Harry Potter there? Let him tangled in his heart, quarrel with his boss, and then...