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Il Posto Reviews

  • Diego 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    Teenager, after 20 years, you can leave the damage to your eyes from that lamp

    Teenager, after twenty years, you can leave that lamp for damage to your eyes. ——Chen Zha This is a movie that almost everyone can find the same feeling. The feeling of helplessness at the beginning of entering the workplace, the hope, waiting and loss when you are in love, I believe most people...

  • Virginia 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    Goodbye, little girl!


    What movie will keep me thinking about it, of course there are many, but this Emmanuel Olmi's "Work" (also translated "Youth Troubles" and "Job" 1961) is an extraordinary talk to me . More than ten years ago, I repeatedly pulled the film, and after at least three times, I began to record while...

  • Kellie 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    Wine and coffee

    In the 1950s, Italian neorealist cinema gradually declined. The 1960s was the golden age of Italian cinema, and 1960 was a watershed year. Four masters' films were released in this year, namely "Adventures" directed by Antonioni and "Tears of the Beacon Fire Mother and Daughter" directed by Desica....

  • Everett 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    Shit, what does a job mean?

    After I quit my job and stopped to look at the world around me, I realized that there are actually many pictures worth stopping and watching. Accidentally saw this black and white film fifty years ago, director Olmi's debut, the 93-minute film describes the job hunting of a young Italian country...

  • Muhammad 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    icy house

    When Dominic, a young man from a small town, was looking for a job in the big city of Milan, his clear and pure eyes seemed out of tune with this empty and depressing world. When applying for a job at a big company, a large number of job seekers wait outside the door, and then take a screening...

  • Margarete 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    Gentle, tender, beautiful

    A humanist masterpiece. The film is certainly against the dehumanizing aspects of corporate life, but one hesitates to call it a "protest" movie, like some of Chaplin's repertoire. There is no expressed anger, but what I see as a reasonable, controlled indignation , made poignant by sympathy and...

  • Aidan 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    "Work" is important, but don't forget that you are human

    Work, in many cases, is the continuation of campus life, but also the destruction.