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Icarus Reviews

  • Stan 2022-05-31 20:30:19

    The documentary that Putin doesn't want to see

    A shocking documentary.

    A "spy war film" that ran away from the original title and became the opposite of the original title.

    From President Putin to the Minister of Sports to the National Anti-drug Association to the coaching staff to the athletes, they tacitly understood each other, funded by the...

  • Rachelle 2022-05-31 18:44:53

    The shadow of the Soviet Union

    In Greek mythology, Icarus and his father Daedalus used wax and feathers to make wings and flew into the sky. When escaping from Crete, Icarus flew too high and the wax on his wings was sunburned and fell into the water.

    The director’s answer to why he chose this title is as follows:

    I chose Icarus...

  • Nola 2022-05-31 18:27:34


    very nice. The "dual thinking" in Icarus has been mentioned several times. 1. Bryan, who wanted to use drugs in the game, and Grigory, who helped Russia use banned drugs for a long time, became whistleblowers for some reason. Grigory is a very interesting person, it is difficult to associate him...

  • Ward 2022-05-31 17:33:28

    Performance is more important than sportsmanship? "Icarus" exposes Russian sports doping scandal

    On July 28, the 18th Gwangju World Championships officially ended. The Chinese team ranked first on the medal list with 16 golds, 11 silvers and 3 bronzes, beating the best.

    Sun Yang won two gold medals in the World Championships. Among them, he rose from second to first in the men's 200m freestyle...

  • Fabian 2022-05-31 17:21:41

    A documentary film about the Russian drug scandal, the plot burst is comparable to a blockbuster movie

    Netflix Dafa is good. In recent years, Netflix, which has launched many excellent TV series, has actually dabbled in the documentary field and produced a series of different types of documentaries such as "Ladder: Cai Guoqiang's Art", "Guardian" and "Chasing Corals" . And this documentary film...


Director: Bryan Fogel

Language: English,Russian Release date: August 4, 2017