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I Am Not Your Negro Reviews

  • Turner 2022-12-26 10:54:19


    History of the Black Movement in America

    Today's recommended documentary "I am not your negro" (I am not your negro) was written, directed and narrated by James Baldwin, a representative of the black civil rights movement who was born in 1924. The film clips together films, TV series, historical...

  • Lelia 2022-12-12 16:34:51

    "There Will Be Someone Like That: I Am In The Story"

    The documentary "I'm Not Your Nigga" is awesome, I started to take a look and I knew it. Damn, others have invested their souls, and they can't do it without dragging~ Haha, great! A true historical legend that was born in 1968. legend. The narration of "55 years old" reflects the story of life....

  • Aisha 2022-12-06 06:18:12

    i'm not your nigga

    It is not to ridicule the past with the present, or to turn the present back to the past. If it is the former, in fact, the Ferguson incident and the entire Black Lives Matter movement have their own context and contemporary independent demands. Facing the incident itself and the present is not far...

  • Charlie 2022-11-13 21:07:49

    Every race deserves respect

    From the earliest exposure to racial discrimination in "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to the current exploration of black culture, the understanding of black people has become more and more clear. Although I know that the life of black people in the black slave period was dire, I still can't understand why...

  • Adell 2022-11-12 09:51:23

    Taken Notes

    1. It is a duty not a right. (Sitting down on a segregated bus) 2. If I was Irish, Jewish, Polish, my hero would be your heroes too. And you would mourn and hurt just as much when we lose them 3. (Sth like, they dont know and they don't want to know) I know more about you than more you know about...

  • Emma 2022-10-20 20:55:45

    Put this documentary with a biased view out ---- let's not gossip about other people's civilized society in our jungle society

    4 points, no nationality or race is born kind. In a single-race country in Asia, class differences are manifested, but this class difference just overlaps racial differences in the United States. From this documentary, we can only take some 50. The example of the movie 80 years ago illustrates its...

  • Eliezer 2022-10-09 04:42:05

    If you want others to respect you, you must first respect yourself.

    First of all, this is a film with no content, just repeating like a grudge: "You discriminated against us 400 years ago, you discriminated against us 200 years ago, you discriminated against us 50 years ago, and you still discriminate against us now. You claim to be advanced in civilization, but...

  • Guido 2022-09-11 10:41:54

    about race

    A very in-depth documentary. I've always wanted to know the story of black people, and this documentary is undoubtedly a very good entry point. One of the deepest feelings this documentary gave me was art. A perfect mix of music, interviews, film clips, narration, full of calm sadness, full of...

  • Alberto 2022-09-10 22:26:26

    false ethnic fusion

    The film is based on James Baldwin's posthumous manuscript. The narration in it is the content of the manuscript. Most of the pictures used in it are real video photos, so most of them are black and white photos, and some videos are even deliberately processed into black and white. Because it was...

  • Myles 2022-09-10 18:23:42

    Unsolved racial issues

    The two passages from James Baldwin in the film are shocking, excerpted below.

    When the Israelis pick up guns,' 'or the Poles or the Irish or any white man in the world says 'Give me liberty or give me death,' the entire white world applauds. When a black man says exactly the same thing, word for...

I Am Not Your Negro

Director: Raoul Peck

Language: English,French Release date: February 17, 2017