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I Am Love Reviews

  • Frederik 2022-03-21 09:02:55

    Amo, ergo sum

    Io sono l'amore (oder I Am Love im Englischen) ist, wie der Titel suggeriert, ein italienischer Liebesfilm aus dem Jahr 2009. Mit diesem Melodrama versucht der Regisseur Luca Guadagnino über die tiefe Bedeutung von Liebe nachzudenken. Io sono l'amore ist der erste Teil von Guadagninos selbst...

  • Kristy 2022-03-21 09:02:55

    32 degrees

    The switching of the camera movement in the summer outdoor sex movie itself makes people feel like watching the story on the spot. The audience has also become a person in the story, enjoying the temperature at that time, sunshine, vegetable dishes and throbbing, waiting for the direction of the...

  • Casimer 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    I am love

    A lot of pen and ink depicts the branches and vines of the family, entwining themselves like water plants, devouring the soul, and losing themselves. When the inner flame was ignited again, the moths were desperate to fight the fire, even if the family fetters were cut off, they would not hesitate...

  • Paxton 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    [Translation] Roger Ebert Film Critic

    "I Am Love" ─ ─ Four stars        can she understand what kind of family she has entered into after marrying into a wealthy family? She only knew that she was married to a wealthy Italian family who had her own textile factory in Milan, but she had ever understood that marrying a merchant woman...

  • Deshawn 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    I am the real me in front of you after taking off all the accessories

    Recently I started to like to watch European movies, France, Italy, New Wave and so on. In fact, I really like the relationship between scene description and people. It makes people feel vivid and moving. Many loves and hatreds in life disappeared in an instant. Only the one who stands in front of...

  • Mona 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    I am love: I love you without discussing it

    As the old saying goes, only the feet know whether the shoes fit properly; only the couple knows whether the marriage is happy or not. The movie poster is very intuitive. It is not the wealthy or the rich who take such family portraits. What kind of bar do you want to lift? If you don't believe me,...

  • Gregorio 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    Six Directions for Interpreting Movies from "I Am Love"

    Friday: Maybe some pure art does not need to be interpreted, just use ears and eyes and other organs to feel it. For example, a painting, a piece of music... but a movie can’t be made, because it is a comprehensive art and a comprehensive product. The factors that it relies on to complete are the...

  • Derrick 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    Call me by my name

    Luca Guadagnino, who became known as "the most beautiful gay film in history"-"Call me by your name" and became a "popular" director of literary art, actually appeared in his 2009 "I Am Love "" and 2015's "Holiday Surprise", you can already vaguely glimpse the theme of his future creation-focusing...

  • Lamont 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    Tilda, I'll never get bored of seeing you

    There is no water in the dormitory, so I will go. Because I couldn't clean up, my hair was like a chicken coop, and I couldn't go out, so I had to stay at home, so I sat down and wrote a journal. What's more, I have been coughing for many days, and today there are finally signs of improvement. I...

  • Amanda 2022-01-15 08:01:52

    I am love

    Whenever a movie encounters Tilda Swinton (Tilda Swinton), even if the script itself is gentle, it will be full of firepower due to the appearance of this mysterious face. Only this screen goddess can perform the sharp sense of red iron wrapped in white calfskin at a glance. If Grace Kelly is...

I Am Love

Director: Luca Guadagnino

Language: Italian,Russian,English Release date: July 23, 2010

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