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Hunt for the Wilderpeople Reviews

  • Anahi 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Civilization is poor, barbarism is the most true

    When the two elements of brutality and freshness collide in the film, and then integrate into the popular culture of harmony to reconcile, a strong chemical reaction can burst out, which not only brings a unique audio-visual experience to the audience, but also has the Strong psychic impact. Rather...

  • Clay 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    Indifference in the age of traffic

    The director Taika Waititi is really funny, and this little fat has already been on FAN.

    -----------split line--------------

    This movie is nothing more than about chasing down "savages" (emphasis added). To the child care center, the police, and this society, Chubby and Uncle are "savages". To me,...

  • Reagan 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    A non-mainstream independent film composed of a large number of non-mainstream settings

    Non-mainstream setting 1: Bear children also need love. In the past, there were only a few attitudes towards bear children: beaten to death, beaten to death, and there were no bear children, only bear parents. The film shows a king of bears who is too bearable and no one dares to take him in, but...

  • Mara 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    hunt down barbarians

    This movie is very self-contained, the story is presented in chapters, and it also pays homage to some movies, although I can only feel Braveheart, First Blood and Lord of the Rings, and then driving away at the end is a bit crazy. ? = = I don't know anything else. . . Also, the whole thing is very...

  • Abe 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    Civilization rounds up innocence

    Another warm healing movie, it tells the story of a troubled teenager who was sent to a remote country family for foster care and escaped from the forest with a silent and eccentric uncle.

    The filming location is the location of The Lord of the Rings. There are many familiar scenes in the film....

  • Consuelo 2022-03-28 09:01:03

    short comment

    2016 New Zealand film "Hunt for the Wilder People" "Hunt for the Wilder People": In fact, it is a story with a particularly fussy plot. The character motivation and behavior patterns are somewhat unreasonable, but the New Zealand director who once used his debut "Vampire Life" to amaze me Taiga...

  • Tre 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    Perhaps the life of a barbarian is the return of true humanity

    When I just watched this movie, I was stunned by the director's close-up shot, which was the close-up on the fat boy's clothes, the Eye of Horus (the symbol of the Illuminati). Did the director allude to the little boy as someone under surveillance under the modern social system (the modern society...

  • Dusty 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    short comment

    The old hunter's countryman's coolness, and the chubby boy's stupidity, make the story both nonsense and serious. In the beautiful natural scenery of New Zealand, this battle of human society to break out of the siege is fresh and cheerful, and the laughter is constant. And the accompanying...

  • Damaris 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    short comment

    The old hunter's countryman's coolness, and the chubby boy's stupidity, make the story both nonsense and serious. In the beautiful natural scenery of New Zealand, this battle of human society to break out of the siege is fresh and cheerful, and the laughter is constant. And the accompanying...

  • Shanon 2022-03-27 09:01:06

    love and freedom

    I didn't choose the gang life, it was the gang life that chose me. The oppression and restraint of the so-called civilized society made Ricky and Hec start their escape in pursuit of freedom. Faced with the temptation to trade, Ricky chose his family without hesitation, and chose freedom, because...