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Hunt for the Wilderpeople Reviews

  • Buster 2022-04-19 09:01:54

    The relationship between people is so amazing

    New Zealand movies, picturesque scenery, multiple telephoto shots of hills and forests, which greatly shows the beautiful natural environment of New Zealand, I really want to travel there. Before watching the movie, I was told that it is the real version of "UP", but unfortunately I have forgotten...

  • Kaitlin 2022-04-19 09:01:54

    Who says good looks are good movies

      Watching this movie was on the way home. A few days ago I watched a few love movies of handsome guys and beauties, so when I saw someone recommending this movie, I was a little rejected. The male protagonist is not a handsome guy, and there is not even an obvious love theme in the story, but a...

  • Chet 2022-04-19 09:01:54

    "Chasing the Barbarians"

    After watching the film, the first thing I remember and the deepest impression in my mind is the beauty of New Zealand. In the film, various aerial photography, aerial photography and other camera positions show New Zealand's magnificent and boundless scenes so open and spectacular, full of...

  • Muhammad 2022-04-19 09:01:54

    I really laughed when the armored vehicles all came out

    At the beginning of the film, when I heard the fat lady from the welfare agency exaggeratingly describe the various evil deeds of the little boy, the kind aunt did not flinch at all. The warm water bag on the bed made me guess that this would be a heart-warming story.        Sure enough, although...

  • Sandrine 2022-04-19 09:01:54

    Is everything wrong with the child?

    I read it without much laughter. After reading it, I didn’t feel the need to think too much. To be honest, I didn’t think the little fat man was very cute. Just imagine a wicked child who has only his family in real life. Will accommodate him.     Maybe we don't have the right to criticize the...

  • Kayleigh 2022-04-19 09:01:54

    Gorgeous and short barbarian life

    A New Zealand director, filmed in his hometown, mentioning New Zealand naturally reminds us of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings, yes, but the beauty is worth the ticket price. Little fat Ricky Baker was abandoned by his parents since he was a child. He has never experienced the warmth of his...

  • Helga 2022-04-19 09:01:54

    Escape from the shackles of imprisonment - "The Hunt for the Barbarians"

    By chance, I turned to this movie and watched it in its entirety. But he didn't finish it all at once, because he was reluctant to end it prematurely.   The first feeling after watching the film is that I really like Sam who hides from the secular world and lives in the deep forest. Chronic...

  • Alberto 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    I didn't choose gang life but gang life chose me Not I chose gang life but gang life chose me

    Excerpted from Banana Peel Movie Review Network

    At the beginning of the film, it seemed that the plot followed the path of a peaceful family reunion comedy, but this warmth was broken after the death of the adoptive mother. The atmosphere of the film has also plunged into the...

  • Herta 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    Ricky is cute

    New Zealand's films are particularly lighthearted and humorous, with the fragrance of nature and soil, and the magical atmosphere of the forest.

    Ricky is not an evil child at all, just a little more polite and cute in character. A warm water bottle made him feel warm. Seeing the wild boar blood...

  • Abelardo 2022-03-30 09:01:04

    hunt down barbarians

    "Vulgar Zombie Playing Off" (39th) has proven Tiger Tweed's hilarious skills, and he completed this quirky forest adventure before entering Hollywood. The little fat boy who has no relatives, has an expressionless face all day long, and loves to destroy. He just wants to become a street fighter...