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Hotel Chevalier Reviews

  • Bianka 2022-12-11 17:32:40

    Knight Hotel Room 403

    I think the performances of the two are superb. It is said that it is a subsidiary benefit of "Wearing". "Wearing" has not yet started to watch. (A little bit of spoiler, because I’m writing my post-view?.) This short play enriches the dialogue, tone and expression of the two, showing the...

  • Kathleen 2022-10-01 19:37:58

    You make me believe there is such a thing as feelings

    Every year on the day before Valentine's Day, I always think of Faye Wong’s "Night Party", probably because she sang "February 13th, that's it." This song was written to her by Liang Baiqiao, and it was included in the 2001 "Faye Wong". In the same album, there is also a more well-known "Wings of...

  • Derek 2022-08-19 23:24:44

    I can't write a short review again

    The symmetrical aesthetics of Anderson's films is not only reflected in the composition, but also in the tone and structure of the play. For example, this yellow bathrobe is replaced from the male lead to the female lead, and the coat is the same. From the bed sheets to the lights to the walls, the...

  • Yvonne 2022-08-11 21:09:00

    Connection with the main film The Darjeeling Limited

    Hotel Chevalier's short film was formed a year ago in The Darjeeling Limited, and WES ANDERSON did not intend to use this short film as a supplement to The Darjeeling Limited, but discovered during the filming of The Darjeeling Limited the character that Jason Schwartzman wanted to portray and this...

  • Erna 2022-08-11 18:22:49

    where do you go my lovely

    peter every day, carrying the apple player put the episode in the WHERE do you Go My Lovely by Peter Sarstedt by You Talk like Marlene Dietrich And you Dance like Zizi Jeanmaire Your Clothes are All Made by Balmain And there's Diamonds and Pearls in your Hair by You Live in a fancy appartement Of...

  • Halle 2022-08-11 17:20:21

    Let's do everything

    Although it was only ten minutes, I didn't finish it for the first time. I just saw the bottom. It's not because it's not exciting, but it's because it doesn't make people want to watch it all at once. It's amazing to leave a deep impression, but don't want to have the patience and patience to...

  • Doris 2022-08-11 11:47:49

    Translation|Wes Anderson: Short Film Research

    Author: Nicole Richter

    Wes Anderson's feature-length film shooting has been well received to a large extent. Critics generally believe that, at least, Anderson is a modern director with a distinct director style. Critical research on Anderson’s work has a wide range, including Mark Browning’s 2011...

  • Ryley 2022-08-11 08:54:11

    The coldness with nowhere to hide

    " I didn't say you can come here. Can I? Okay. How long have you been here? I don't know. How many weeks? How many weeks. Months? Months. Do you want to know when you will live here? What about you? I will leave tomorrow morning. In any case, I don’t want to lose your friend. I promise, I will...

Hotel Chevalier

Director: Wes Anderson

Language: English,French Release date: October 26, 2007