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Host Reviews

  • Mike 2022-12-07 08:21:47

    (Spoiler) The kidnapped demon

    I am a demon and I was kidnapped.

    I had just got off work, and when I got home, I drank beer and watched TV on the sofa.

    Being a competent demon is very tired. The world’s population is swelling, and there are more and more people going to hell. As a punisher, I have to supervise the execution of...

  • Al 2022-12-05 03:08:16

    Idle of Souls █ Thriller Recommended

    Today I recommend a more entertaining thriller "Imperial Link".

    The filming format and idea of ​​this film have actually been filmed before, which is very similar to the "Unfriend" series. I think the main purpose of the director is also to entertain. Maybe it was also planned to be produced when I...

  • Rosario 2022-09-23 15:44:20

    Actually, I’m not a black Asian

    The director is also considered an old pie, the first layer is about the story of the death ceremony at home during the epidemic isolation, and the second layer is the use of one group to allude to the development of the new crown epidemic. But there is a third layer, which implies that the...

  • Deontae 2022-09-21 05:06:53


    6.0 I saw fewer horror movies, and the 56-minute movie made me even more entangled. Compared with the related types of movies I have seen before, the overall look and feel of this film is very general. The scary point is basically the basic jump scare, but my personal expectations for horror movies...

  • Michelle 2022-09-17 13:26:04

    Some people's inferiority complex is etched in their bones

    Some people with low self-esteem and sensitive constitution.

    That glasses girl is obviously mixed race. Hardly said to be Chinese. .

  • Sonia 2022-08-10 23:17:18

    Online channelling version 1.0

    I finally saw a movie based on this year’s epidemic. Five women and one man were very boring during the quarantine at home. They found a god-in-law to play online soul-seeking together. As a result, one of them did not follow the routine and attracted evil spirits, which led to the group. Extinct.

  • Hope 2022-08-10 22:25:42

    Ten steps to scare one person, do not stay for a thousand miles


    During the epidemic, six friends met in a video conference because of boredom. Among them, Haley contacted a psychic, and the six were going to play an exciting online evocation at night.

    Teddy, the only male among the six, was hooked out of the group by his girlfriend Ginny shortly after the...

  • Dorthy 2022-08-10 19:45:37

    Maybe i'm too sensitive

    First of all, this film has a girl of Chinese descent, and the film also emphasizes her descent (to be honest, if she doesn’t tell me, I don’t even know she has Chinese descent)

    Moreover, she was the culprit who brought out the ghosts. She always felt that the tour guide deliberately mapped the new...

  • Pearl 2022-08-10 16:45:20

    Imperius Connect belongs to the new era and the epidemic's cyber soul-calling

    (Written in the front: I am not interested in the topic of emulsification, nor do I think this movie is suspected of emulsification.)

    Four points are scored, one point is for the form and two points are given to the content. In fact, the main line of the story is not uncommon. Young people attract...