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Gung Ho Reviews

  • Maia 2022-06-20 23:17:29

    No one is equal, people are animals

    If workers in developing countries focus on the quality of life and family and friendship as in Europe and the United States, then labor costs will skyrocket, and they will fall into the middle-income trap like Brazil and South Africa. But do these people in developing countries deserve to be...

  • Dayne 2022-06-20 19:51:11

    Basically a good movie

    The theme is the development process of a Japanese car factory in a small American town. The cultural differences are very delicately portrayed: the Japanese rigorous corporate culture and the pursuit of perfection, the American individualism and casual rambling. From the beginning of the film, I...

  • Gaetano 2022-06-20 14:49:02

    IQ test

    I believe that the Japanese boss at the end of the film finally recognized 15,000 vehicles and gave all the American workers a raise. There is indeed a problem with their IQ! How can the boss who is so strict with quality and quantity give up lightly? In fact, at the last second, he donated a lot...

  • Alex 2022-06-20 14:11:38

    Working Class Man (Gung Ho) (1986) (reproduced online)

    If you create a user account, you can add your own review of this DVD Released 9-Sep-2003 This review is sponsored by BUY IT Details At A Glance General Extras Category Comedy None Rating Year Of Production 1986 Running Time 107:28 RSDL / Flipper No/No Cast & Crew Start Up Menu Region Coding 4...

  • Laury 2022-06-20 12:15:07

    Eastern "work" culture in the eyes of Americans

    The film was shot in 1986, 27 years ago. The reason why this movie was dug up like a big wave was because of an article in the New York Times. When the article talks about "Shuanghui's acquisition of Smithfield", it expands to the current Chinese investment boom in the United States, and...