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Gone Baby Gone Reviews

  • Sunny 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    About the last three lines, my opinion

    The final lines of the movie are the last three sentences, but Sleeping Broken Brain understands the wrong meaning of the doll. The       male protagonist believes that his point of view is correct from beginning to end, even if the child abuser he killed... When disregarding the objection of his...

  • Mae 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    In order to be a non-stop person...

    The film tells a fascinating story, perhaps not about good things or bad things, but rather a story of destiny.   The male protagonist grew up in that city, that city is neither good nor bad, but his city, he is not proud of it, but that is who he is, so he doesn't think it is bad either. It was...

  • Ines 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    Who are we to judge???

    Very depressing after watching it! ! ! So come up and shout... When I saw that Amanda didn't die and lived happily with Jack, I felt so happy... Patrick took Amanda's happiness and happiness, and deprived him of many, many good things in life. So... The Jack family gave Amanda a second chance for...

  • Nakia 2022-04-19 09:01:23


    marvelous! A very wonderful movie. As a suspense film, the film is stripped layer by layer from beginning to end. Every time you feel as if you've got a little bit of an understanding, there's a twist in the plot. Moreover, these turns are so natural, not far-fetched. The beginning of the film is...

  • Tavares 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    Inaction, courage to take responsibility, no one is God

    This movie once again confirms the ridiculousness of chasing after our parents when we were children and asking whether the characters in the villain book are good or bad. Just like when you watch the International College Debate, what he said was good, and what he said was reasonable. It seemed...

  • Laverne 2022-04-19 09:01:23


    Choice is the most basic human activity, reflecting our attitudes and value judgments. ? A child, her mother is a drug addict who can't protect herself, and her "adopter" is a legitimate professional person, how would you choose who will raise the child? In order to get the child out of the bad...

  • Wilbert 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    This very dark reality

    Originally, it was for Ben Affleck. This beautiful man who was frustrated in the movie turned to be a director. It is very exciting. This society is an era where the word "sex" takes the lead, as long as everything is beautiful and beautiful. The attention of handsome guys will naturally be very...

  • Rozella 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    Cherish what you have

    When others value what you have more than you, what reason do you have to spoil them and spoil yourself.   The ending of the movie is so cruel that people dare not imagine little Amanda's future life, and it also makes people reflect on how to measure morality and law in their own life. I will...

  • Maximo 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    We have no right to decide the fate of others

    I have watched hundreds of movies this year, but there are only a handful of good ones. This movie is one of them. A good movie is indispensable to the ultimate concern for human nature, so as to be thought-provoking. After watching this film, I stand on the side of the protagonist Patrick....

  • Daija 2022-04-19 09:01:23

    ordinary world

    In a bizarre child kidnapping case, from the fascinating beginning, to the doubtful points in the middle, to the final truth, no one can guess the ending. Deep reflection on the social issue of life. . . The unpleasant-looking director of the film, Ben Affleck, is known as "the handsome guy with...