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Girl on the Third Floor Reviews

  • Hilton 2022-11-15 20:05:19

    A crude story that puts together great ideas


    A dilapidated house has ushered in a new owner. The retro atmosphere, the sudden appearance of glass balls, and the abnormal behaviors of animals all show the faintly weird atmosphere of the house from the side.

    The black holes that can be seen everywhere on the walls of the houses are...

  • Myrtis 2022-10-03 11:27:03

    A story about a haunted house

    Regarding casting, the male one is old white and the male two is black, in fact, the hip shape is pretty good.

    The story line is relatively simple. Bankrupt Lao Bai sold the mansion and bought a haunted house in the suburbs (of course, he didn't know it was a haunted house, because the previous...

  • Betty 2022-09-16 03:24:34

    The look and feel is normal. In retrospect, I think it is suitable to change the book. The topic has nothing to do with the content.

    It feels that this piece is a bit scattered, and the excitement is not enough, and there are a lot of details that can be captured.

    It is very uncomfortable to clean up a clean and flat room. Foreign objects that might not be there are very uncomfortable. The little surprises in general ghost house...

  • Fredy 2022-08-27 22:33:11

    After a meal, the effect of looking at it is really...

    When I watched this movie, I was having lunch, and when I had eaten and I was quite full, I happened to see the second half of the movie. The time was wrong, so I almost took the meal I just ate. I spit it out again, so I suggest that you really don't watch this movie after eating too much.


  • Darrion 2022-08-27 20:07:37

    A sticky movie, really horrible.

    In 2019, the horror movie "Girl on the Third Floor | Girl on the Third Floor"

  • Stephan 2022-08-27 18:29:26

    A short-sighted story

    I watched the Australian premiere, and I feel a little sublimated at the end, but I didn’t understand it? Therefore, we have reservations about the ending part, and there is no guarantee that there will be no reversal.

    But in my opinion, it's more like a popcorn movie, which is almost a breath away....

  • Destini 2022-08-27 17:27:39

    Feminist Movies

    I saw it several times before I understood it.

    The plot of the story is actually very simple. The director’s flashbacks seem to be very complicated. In 1909, a famous prostitute was murdered in a country brothel in the United States, but the body has not been found. Since then, the house has not...

  • Kasey 2022-08-27 17:09:50

    A story about a big flat-storey mad black suburban villa in the city center

    It may be a commercial film invested by American real estate developers, and they are clamoring not to buy suburban villas. Americans do like suburban villas more than the large flats in the city center. So maybe their flat floor is not easy to sell, who knows? So their horror story starts with the...