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Girl, Interrupted Reviews

  • Stan 2022-04-22 07:01:12

    Interruptive life

    have you ever been blue ?   or thought your train moving while setting still?      Maybe everyone has a time like this. Months, years, a lifetime never even thought to touch. It's like being stuck in a quagmire, your melancholy, your melancholy, your unknown. Looking at everything around him,...

  • Viviane 2022-04-22 07:01:12

    saw myself

    Maybe everyone has thought about leaving this world, leaving everything in the world. However, blindly indulging and exaggerating emotions will lead to loss of control.

    "Lazy, wayward, girl who wants to drive herself crazy." That's probably the most accurate description for me. I also had an...

  • Toney 2022-04-22 07:01:12


    I can't say exactly what I understood in the film, but I can say that I definitely have a feeling of being accompanied. Sometimes, like Susanna, I feel like I don't fit in with the world. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's confusing.

    I met Lisa, played with her, resisted, didn't take...

  • Irving 2022-04-22 07:01:12

    The lunatic asylum is our hidden side

    Unrecognized energies, such as thoughts about lies, ugliness, killing, and incest, are actually shared by everyone. Because they are not allowed, they are closed by us and become dead energies, but it does not mean that they are dead, they are always there. There, and always trying to be seen and...

  • Barbara 2022-04-22 07:01:12

    Girl. Interrupted

    Girl, Interrupted / 1999


  • Haskell 2022-04-22 07:01:12

    If you take it too seriously, someone will be unhappy

    I'm a misanthrope. Around 2012 I found myself unable to deeply like anyone, including my parents. The reason is that I hate people's selfishness, lies, flattery, worldliness, arrogance, etc... At that time, I always thought that it would be great if people in the world were honest, sincere,...

  • Clara 2022-04-22 07:01:12

    If you get used to the darkness, you will reject the light.

    I haven't written anything in a long time. Because it's a little difficult for me to concentrate, I'm not very productive, and I get headaches for a long time.

    Watching this movie, because the background is in a mental hospital, I unconsciously compared it as the female version of "Flying Over the...

  • Retta 2022-04-21 09:01:49

    I don't understand

    Goddess Winona wears short elf hair, exuding her neutral, pure, quiet and slender beauty without any dead ends. I have always hated Julie because of the Xiaosan incident, but I have to say that Lisa, an antisocial female madman, is too popular. Julie's personal charm is vividly displayed in this...

  • Loyce 2022-04-21 09:01:49

    Maybe right, maybe wrong

    After watching it once many years ago, I can't forget it. At that time, my mind couldn't digest all the plots that stimulated the brain cells. Today, many years later, I have re-examined this movie with my personal point of view at this time.         The first one, what Lisa said is the truth, so I...

  • Deshaun 2022-04-21 09:01:49


    The first half and the second half were a bit ups and downs. I remembered that in the third year of junior high, I hid in the corner and searched for marginalized people. I felt sorry for myself, and slashed my wrist with a blade. Painful, I remembered the bad experience a few days ago, weeping...