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Generation Kill Reviews

  • Nakia 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    After reading it, it is really awesome! I want to pounce on Lt.Nate even more!

    Like the title, after reading it, I want to pounce on Lt.Nate even more! Because this character really suits my appetite too, so bear with it! And it will endure horribly! Seeing his unchanging face and Yuan Lie for his subordinates, he has been cute. Later, when his subordinates collided with the...

  • Joanie 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    The Jagged World of Female Directors

    Military enthusiasts must not miss it. The realism can be called a documentary. It is worth mentioning that the director Susanna White is a woman. I don't know how she made such an iron and blood theme of war so well. In addition, it seems that Rudy is a true performance. I did not expect that the...

  • Ally 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    The Killing Generation "Iraq War Personal Experience" main epilogue

    I can't stop, and I'm extremely entangled in the market outlook. Anyhow, see a big God translated the original main characters each trend, reproduced for all to share reprint: Generation Kill, "the war in Iraq Qinli Ji," the end of the primary end after Colbert returned to Marine Corps awarded a...

  • Bernadette 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    Record some details that are not shown in the TV series [make up the final whereabouts of the main character]

    The details of all aspects in the original work are very full. Basically, the appearance of a named character will have an introduction to the character.

  • Clyde 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    An American drama for people who like Hummers and swear words

    Remember the bloody Utah beaches and the cold Ardennes Forest in "Brothers"? Well, this is a different company of brothers. The iconic images are the dust from the long string of Hummers passing by on the highway under the scorching sun, and the dazzling green artillery fire from the night vision...

  • Jade 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    Recent cuteness (Khan...very rotten, very mindless comment)

    Tell me about the "Generation Kill" I've been watching recently. This drama is a MINI drama launched by HBO in 2008. I dragged it off the eDonkey a long time ago, but I didn’t finish watching it until yesterday. The reasons are as follows: 1. I am not interested in the theme of the Iraq War, and...

  • Toney 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    U.S. Marine Corps 1st Reconnaissance Battalion

    The U.S. military relied on its maritime and air superiority and informatization to avoid roads and cross the most complex terrain in Iraq with a Marine Corps division, breaking the myth that Saddam was preparing to sink the U.S. military into the marshland. It advanced quickly, drove straight in,...

  • Itzel 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    Military terms that appear in this play

    There are a lot of military terms in this play, some of which have very different meanings from their original meanings. (Resources come from HBO official website)


    The .50 Caliber M2 standard heavy machine gun, which the US military began to equip before World War II; also known as "Fifty...

  • Orie 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    Killing a generation, a big soldier who lives on Hummer and M4

    "we have go through this county fuck things up and now we have to show this people what we liberate for..." This is what platoon leader Nate said when he arranged patrol tasks for the team members in the last episode. It seemed perfect to me The interpretation of the mentality of this group of...

  • Leda 2021-12-24 08:02:01

    War films that I watched for the sake of actors and are completely uninterested

    1. The original intention of watching was completely because of Alexander. It was not Eric who dreamed of going to bed after three thirty last night, but Brad was killed. Watching him flying alone in the middle of the night was silly, and he felt incredible every time he sang with Ray. 2. Facial...